

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

There’s a few things in life that are just obnoxiously nerve-racking: your first job, getting your license, graduating, and of course- talking to your crush. What are you even supposed to talk about? You don’t want to bore him to tears, but you also don’t want him to notice your teeth chattering with nervous jitters. Put your worries to rest and ease your nervous habits by using one (or why not ALL) of these 10 topics to talk about with your crush.

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

1. Him

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

What do people absolutely love to talk about no matter what? THEMSELVES. You can’t go wrong with using him as a topic. It not only shows that you are interested in learning more about him, but I guarantee he won’t have a problem rambling on and on about himself- in fact, he will enjoy it. So go ahead and use him as a topic. Get him talking with interesting questions like the traditional “How are you doing today?” or more invasive questions like “What’s your biggest goal in life?” There’s hundreds of questions you could be asking him!

2. Common Interests

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

If the two of you have something you both enjoy, then talking about this particular topic should be a breeze- and it should be fun, too! Now, it’ll be easy to strike up this convo if you’re sure you share a certain interest (for instance you’re both on a basketball team). But if you don’t know what common interests you share, you might need to do a little bit of prying. This roots back to topic number 1- asking HIM about HIS interests until you find something you enjoy too.

3. His Interests

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

The best way to get someone to open up and get them talk a lot is to ask them what they find interesting in life. Ensure you keep your crush interested by getting to know his interests. Whether is maybe NASCAR racing or watching documentaries on the deep blue sea, get to know the person you like on a totally different level with this intricate topic.

4. Current Events

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

When you don’t have anything to talk about, what’s the easiest route to go? Current events, of course. When the convo starts fizzling out or you simply need a conversation starter, try thinking of a cool or interest current event that’s going on in this world. It could be something serious you saw on the News or something silly you saw on TMZ.

5. The Weather

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

Okay, I absolutely DO NOT mean asking “How’s the weather outside?” I mean, seriously. Don’t do this. You will look like a boring young lady that doesn’t know what to talk about with a   guy she likes- and that’s what we are trying to avoid. Instead of saying something traditional like that, kick it up a notch. If it’s extremely hot outside, try saying something like, “Oh my gosh, this heat is ridiculous! I’m in desperate need of an ice cream cone”, in which case we can only hope he will ask you out to a date at Cold Stone. At the very least it will get the conversation kick-started.

6. Life Experiences

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

This could end up being a really hilarious conversation about some of the most embarrassing moments of your life, but it could also end up being a rather serious convo where you discuss some major events that have happened during your lifetime. Either way, discussing life experiences is a great topic because the convo is practically endless. (Not to mention you’ll find out a TON more about this special someone you like!)

7. Compliments

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

Who doesn’t love a good compliment? I certainly can’t thin of anyone. Compliments not only make you feel good, but they are also excellent conversation starters. You could start off by telling him how awesome he looks in his new shirt, and the next thing you know you’re talking about the place he bought it from- which just so happens to be one of your all-time favorite shops. Look at that! A simple compliment led to a common interest, which obviously led to a long conversation with your crush. Oh- and he feels great about himself because a cute girl thinks he looks awesome in his new shirt. Win!

8. Anything Funny

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

Okay, ladies. I can’t stress this enough: men LOVE it when a woman has a sense of humor. So what better way to show your crush you have a rockin’ personality than by striking up a silly conversation? You could start off with a hilarious joke you heard, or you could bring up a funny topic you heard on the television earlier. The point is to make him laugh, and let the funny convo take off from there. Hopefully he will have a few funny things to add so the two of you can laugh the afternoon away!

9. Work/School

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

If the two of you work together or go to the same school, this particular topic will come especially easy. You could talk about the workplace and what you love/hate about your job. You could talk about how terribly hard the math homework was last night. This could lead to a really intriguing conversation about where you see yourself in 5 years, what college you want to attend, what you plan on studying, or whether you’re planning to just drop school/work and go backpacking around Europe for a few months.

10. Questions Galore

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

At the end of the day, it all comes down to the questions. You have a crush on a guy, so you probably don’t know TOO much about him. There’s really no better way to get to know someone than by asking them questions. Plus, 99% of the population loves to answer questions. It makes us feel special! Ask him what his favorite band is. Ask him what his dream career is. Ask him what he’s doing this weekend. Whatever you do, just keep the questions rolling. This will definitely spark a conversation!

11. Family

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

Once you two start talking about family, you may find the both of you in a never-ending conversation with each other. This type of topic gives a great opportunity for you to really get to know more about each other. You can work to understand each other’s backgrounds, where you both come from and what your families are like. The convo may get just a tiny bit deep, especially if things like childhood and childhood memories get brought up. But in the end this is a talk-worthy topic to touch on!

12. Friends

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

Most people love talking about their friends. Usually because your friends are just as important as family and they tend to make a huge impact on your lives. Reminiscing about friendships and memories with good friends always keeps the discussion flowing smoothly. It could potentially bring a smile to your crush’s face and get him laughing, but sometimes it can do the opposite, so tread lightly. However, it will surely keep your tongues on a roll.

13. Sports

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

Most guys love talking about sports. Not all, but most. Bringing up sports could get him talking to you for hours and hours. It will especially keep the gears turning if you also love sports, too. You can talk about your favorite sport and your favorite players, as well as how well your teams are doing currently and what games you would like to see in the future. Who knows, maybe you could even ask him to see a game together! That’s the goal, isn’t it? To make future plans? Wink wink.

If he doesn’t love sports and neither do you, then you can move on and try the next topic.

14. Music

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

A lot of people say that music is everything to them in life. Sometimes music helps shape people into who they have become today and at times they hold their favorite music very dear to them. Bringing up music can brighten up your conversation with your crush. Everyone loves getting into a deep conversation about their favorite bands or artists. You can give each other ideas of new music to listen to or encourage them to listen to something you love and vice versa. Not only can music create a stronger bond between you, it can also give you an idea of what type of person your crush is.

15. Favorites

15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush

Be prepared, the list of favorites could go on and on and on… Everyone has a favorite something in every category. Ask him what his favorite food is. Then move on to things like colors, places to go, clothing brand, movies, television shows, animals, etc. There is an endless list of things you can discuss when it comes to all of his favorite things in the world and it will give you the chance to get to know him in ways you never knew him before! Maybe his favorite foods and movies are your favorite, too. You will never know until you ask!


What are some of your favorite topics to discuss with your crush?

The post 15 Topics to Talk About With Your Crush appeared first on I Fashion Styles.

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