

Top 6 Causes Of Premature Hair Loss

From the age of 20 and over several people person can usually face sudden thinning of hair which can mean that person is having premature thinning problems. These are often common in teenagers as well. However, if a person is facing these types of problems, there can be several factors which may be responsible for this. Usually a good diet always helps in keeping the glands to function normally. However, if a person does not take proper medications when there are problems like this, these may get worse and lead to severity.


There are millions of people who suffer from this common problem. There are various procedures by which these can also be treated. However, without a detailed proper examination, it is not recommended that personally these be treated unless those are complete herbal remedies.

If the problems are due to bad hygiene then this can be treated with regular cleansing and also the hydration of the body is a factor. If there is not enough hydration then this can be a problem because this leads to accumulation of more sweat and this tends to make more dirt to stick to the head.

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What is the Causes of Premature Hair Loss:

Here is a 6 major causes for premature hair loss in teenagers are as follows.

1. Alopecia Areata:

Partial baldness occurs in millions of people. This is often termed as Alopecia. When a person is facing this type of a problem, there can be various reasons behind it. A very notable cause can be stress or even hormonal imbalance. Women can face this even during menopause or other medications can be responsible for these.

2. Hereditary Factors:

If there are history of balding in the family, a person can face premature hair thinning. This can be during teenage years and should be treated accordingly. These can be treated with suggested drugs and other medications. Often abnormal and unhygienic conditions can lead to making this even worse. Therefore a proper diet also plays an important role in this.

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3. Drugs and Medications:

Nonsteriodal medications which are often taken for anti inflammatory procedure, these can be responsible for these types of problems. Often people who stay under stress and anxiety or does not have proper sleep, they usually take anti-depressant medicines which can affect a person internally. Beta blockers can also be a reason behind this.

4. Thyroid Gland Functioning:

Improper functioning of the thyroid gland can lead to several problems. This can lead to sudden weight gains and also sudden weight loss. Usually the dosages are properly suggested at time intervals by doctors and then the glands again function normally. This is a prominent reason behind the premature greying.


5. Hormonal Imbalance:

This is mainly known as telogen effluvium. This is an imbalance which happens due to internal reasons. This is often the factor behind this. This can also be in women due to certain medications which can lead to this. Often wrong dosages can also lead to this problem. Sometimes this can be triggered by sudden health problems. If the diet is not proper that can also lead to this. This can be controlled with proper medicines or supplements. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are quite helpful in this and also hormonal medicines. However, if this is the factor behind the problem should be made clear by proper examinations and proper doctor consultation.

6. Anxiety:

Various types of anxiety disorders are often termed to be a known cause which can lead to problems. This can also lead to other problems like lack of sleep and when a person faces these issues, the roots may not get enough of nutrients and therefore lead to hair loss.

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