

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush?

On average every one of us dreams seven times per night. We might not even realise it, but that doesn’t make it any less true. All too often people don’t realise this and claim to never dream, not realising how statistically unlikely that actually is. Since you’re reading this, I think it’s safe to say however that you’re not one of those people. I’m going to take a shot and say that you remember your dreams quite a lot, perhaps most nights, and I’m going to take another shot and say that a lot of them feature a certain, very special, someone.

But what does it mean when your crush keeps popping up in your dreams? Why is it that he just can’t contain himself to real life, why is he flaunting himself in your dreams too? Here’s your answer…

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush?

The Why

‘The why’ in ‘why is your crush dream stalking you?’ is simple – you’re thinking about him in your waking hours and unable to forget about him when you switch off for the night. When we sleep our subconscious gets free reign and in that time it paints us pictures using the people, objects, places and scenarios we’ve been thinking of when we were awake.

There’s not much else to the why, like I said, it’s simple. You’re focussing on him while you’re awake and your subconscious is simply playing on that fact and creating a dream from it.

What It Means

Depending on your beliefs and whether or not you’re superstitious, dreams can either mean nothing or they can mean everything. They can hide clues to the future or your deepest desires or they can simply be nothing more than your mind playing a trick on you. If you don’t believe dreams hold clues to our futures or insights into our souls then I suggest you skip over this section, it may not be for you.

Here’s a few common dreams that may include your crush and what they are commonly interpreted to mean…

To dream you are kissing your crush symbolizes love, affectation and harmony. Your mind is expressing your waking desire to be close to this person and form some sort of attachment, in this case a relationship.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush?

Don’t panic if you and your crush were arguing in a dream. This doesn’t mean you aren’t compatible as a couple. Arguing in a dream can symbolize tension and that you are trying to resolve an internal conflict. In this case, it’s likely your mind trying to tell you how frustrated it is that your crush is nothing more than a crush. It could show that your mind is ready for the two of you to become more than friends.

If you receive a love note or letter in your dream means that there could be a new relationship ahead of you. It also however symbolizes that you are insecure about something and need reassurance about your feelings or relationship. My advice in this situation is to be hopeful but beware, don’t let your insecurities get the better of you.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush?

What To Do About It

On a whole, dreaming of your crush shows that you have an unresolved issue with him in real life, namely that he’s only your crush and not your boyfriend. You need to take action in the real world by attempting to get closer to him to see if a relationship is on the cards or not. Either way, your dreams about him are likely to grow fewer, if not stop altogether, as you start to live out your fantasy of speaking to him in everyday life. Chances are, you’ll be happier for it too. Instead of waking up feeling slightly hollow every morning seeing as your dream was only a dream, you’ll end each day feeling fulfilled that you spoke to him.

Try reading my article How To Get Your Crush To Like You for tips on how to interact with your crush in real life. As much as we’d all like to, we can’t go on dreaming forever. It’s time to stop dreaming and start living so go out there and make your crush fall head over heels for you!

The post What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush? appeared first on I Fashion Styles.

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