

15 Incredible Home Remedies To Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat is the excess weight that develops around the center of the body, also called visceral fat. This belly fat is more than a nuisance that makes you look improper in your regular clothes. No doubt putting on weight, especially around the belly, is so easy than losing it. This visceral fat not only makes you look ugly, but it is also unhealthy. The belly fat can cause many health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, strokes, cancer, and even increases the blood pressure. Studies revealed that the tough thing about this fat is about insulin resistance, also considered as fat fertilizer in the tummy region. The abdominal fat does not reduce by only doing sit-ups or exercises. The important thing is to decrease the overproduction of the hormone insulin. For this, there is no other alternative but to make lifestyle changes and follow some home remedies to reduce this stubborn fat around the belly.

Home Remedies to Reduce Belly Fat.

15 Home Remedies For Reducing Belly Fat:

Below are some of the home remedies that can help in reducing the excess belly fat.

1. Warm Water With Lemon:

This is considered as one of the effective remedies to get rid of belly fat. Lemon with warm water helps in detoxifying the liver. The liver works best when it is clean, and it metabolizes the fat and burns the fat quickly.


  • Half-cut lemon and one glass of warm water.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Take a glass, fill it with lukewarm water and add one tablespoon of lemon juice in it, and mix it properly.
  • One glass of this daily drink morning works effectively.

How Often To Do This:

  • Drinking this elixir juice just after waking up in the morning will give desired results.
  • Drink this juice daily even if you had shredded excess abdominal fat because this detoxifies the whole body.


  • One necessary caution is that drink only one glass per day; if possible, drink this juice with a straw to prevent any erosion of tooth enamel.

2. Ginger Tea:

Ginger is considered as a natural digestive aid, helps in reducing digestive problems. It is also thermogenic, which means it increases the body temperature to let burn fat more effectively. This natural product also suppresses the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that is responsible for weight gain.


  • One glass of drinking water.
  • One tablespoon of freshly grated ginger, raw honey, and lemon juice from the half cut lemon.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Pour the water in a pan and put to boil, add the grated ginger and turn the flame off.
  • Let the boiled water simmer for 10 minutes, then add squeezed lemon juice and honey, and mix properly.

How Often To Do This:

  • For obtaining the best results, drink this tea daily during the night before going to bed.


  • Make sure that you add a small amount of ginger because excess ginger can cause diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, throat irritation, etc.

See Also: How To Reduce Belly Fat In 2 Weeks

3. Green Tea:

Drinking green tea is considered as one of the best ways to lose belly fat. This tea is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that can do wonders for the body. Green tea contains catechin that increases metabolism, which aids your liver in burning the fat efficiently.


  • One glass of water and a green tea bag or green tea leaves.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Take a glass of lukewarm water, dip a green tea bag in it and let soak for 5-10 minutes. Add one tablespoon of honey for sweetener and enjoy the drink.
  • The other way of preparing green tea is, add 3-4 green tea leaves to boiling water and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Add one tablespoon of honey for sweetener, mix properly, and drink it.

How Often To Do This:

  • Drinking this tea daily before meals can give you desired results.


  • Avoid buying processed green tea, as this may contain added sugar that will cause some health issues, instead use green tea leaves.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is one of the vital products that help lose belly fat very effectively. ACV contains short-chain fatty acids that burn the excess fat, also works to suppress the appetite that gives you a feeling of a full stomach.


  • One glass of warms water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Take a glass, fill it with lukewarm water, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and enjoy the drink.

How Often To Do This:

  • For desired results, drink this mixture twice a day, early in the morning and before going to bed.


  • Don’t add too much of ACV in the warm water, as this may cause throat burns, skin burns.
  • Do check for the packaging date before purchasing the apple cider vinegar.

5. Dietary Fiber Foods :

Intake of fiber-rich foods can suppress your appetite and makes you eat less. Chia seeds are one such food that is loaded with fiber. These seeds contain omega-three fatty acids that can burn down the excess fat from the body. Chia seeds are also rich in calcium, iron, and antioxidants that help keep your full stomach for a longer time.


  • One tablespoon of chia seeds with cereal, oatmeal, or smoothies.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Add chia seeds to your smoothies or cereals or oatmeal. Also, make a pudding of chia seeds with water and consume it for a filling and healthy snack.

How Often To Do This:

  • Consuming one tablespoon of chia seeds daily for your breakfast or evening snack can give you the best results.


  • Consuming excess chia seeds can cause you diarrhea, constipation, or bloating of the stomach. Hence consume only one tablespoon of chia seeds per day.

See Also: Tips To Reduce Belly Fat

6. Coconut Oil:

There is a saying which states, “A diamond only can cut a diamond.” In the same way, fat only can burn fat. Here, we are talking about coconut oil, which contains fat in it. Coconut oil contains unique fatty acids that are responsible for the burning of excessive fat in the body.


  • 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil for cooking.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Replace your cooking oil with 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil for cooking.

How Often To Do This:

  • For best results, consume 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day.


  • Don’t add coconut oil to the oils that are already in use, instead replace the cooking oil with coconut oil.

7. Fish Oil:

Fish oil is a fantastic product that contains omega-three fatty acids that promote good cholesterol levels in the blood. These acids also help in burning the excessive fats from the belly.


  • Fish oil in the form of a capsule.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Swallow 1-2 capsules of fish oil as recommended by the doctor.

How Often To Do This:

  • For better results, intake two capsules of fish oil, i.e., omega three fatty acids capsules per day.


  • These capsules should only be consumed after consulting the doctor, as this may lead to heart problems.

8. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is a great product that may help in reducing the excessive fat from the body. This is a fat burner and thermogenic, which means cinnamon produces heat through metabolic stimulation.


  • One tablespoon of ground cinnamon with cereal, oatmeal, or to smoothies.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Add ground cinnamon to your smoothies or cereals or oatmeal or even in baking.
  • The other way to intake cinnamon is, add this powder to a glass of warm water and honey, mix it well, and enjoy the drink.

How Often To Do This:

  • Try to include one tablespoon of ground cinnamon in your daily diet to witness desired results.


  • Too much cinnamon can cause mouth sores, breathing problems. Hence restrict cinnamon to 1 tablespoon per day.

9. Garlic and Honey:

Garlic is a fantastic food that helps in the overall health of the body. This keeps your heart healthy by maintaining systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This also maintains good cholesterol levels in the blood. Garlic prevents the weight gain by burning down the pre-fat cells that may convert into actual fat cells. Garlic with honey is a deadly combination that is beneficial for weight loss.


  • 3-4 head of garlic, raw honey, and a jar.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Separate the individual cloves of garlic from the garlic heads, just remove the outer layers without peeling the cloves and fill the jar with these cloves.
  • Now, slowly pour the raw honey into the jar. Make sure that all the cloves are soaked in the jar. Close the jar with a lid and leave it for a few days at room temperature. The honey starts infusing into the cloves.
  • After the infusion is done, have a spoon of this honey daily.

How Often To Do This:

  • Consume one spoon of garlic-infused honey per day on an empty stomach for better results.


  • Consume this mixture in moderate quantities, excess intake of garlic can cause heartburns, burning sensation in the mouth, etc.

10. Turmeric:

Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory substance that is found in turmeric. This curcumin is a powerful polyphenol that is a fat blocking nutrient. Obesity is considered an inflammatory disease, and this turmeric can fight the inflammation in the body. The turmeric, which contains 95% of curcumin, also has the capability to fight the insulin resistance in the body that is responsible for the weight gain.


  • A pinch of 95% curcumin contained turmeric for cooking.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Add a pinch of this turmeric in your daily cooking.

How Often To Do This:

  • Daily incorporate the turmeric in all the cooking dishes. The results may get delayed, but this remedy is effective and risk-free.


  • Make sure that the curcumin is consumed in moderate quantities because too much of this can cause digestive problems, headache, and nausea.

11. Hot Peppers:

Adding hot peppers to your foods is one of the best ways to avoid getting fat. Hot peppers contain an ingredient called capsaicin that is thermogenic. The thermogenic effect of capsaicin boosts the heat production in the body, which, in turn, burns the excessive fat from the belly.


  • Hot peppers such as jalapenos or habanero peppers.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Add habanero pepper to soups, wraps, smoothies, salads, or sautéed vegetables.

How Often To Do This:

  • Incorporate 1gm of chili pepper per day that contains capsaicin.


  • Too many hot peppers can cause heartburn and stomach indigestion.

12. Lean Meat:

Consuming thermogenic foods can burn down the fat quickly. Proteins are thermogenic by nature, and hence eating protein-rich foods can help break down the fat. Proteins from animals are more thermogenic than those found in vegetables. Lean meat such as chicken, beef, or pork will burn roughly 30% of the calories in the body.


  • 125gms of lean chicken, or beef or pork.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Cook the lean meat with perfect spices and herbs with coconut oil and consume it with your preferred rice or Rotis.

How Often To Do This:

  • Try to include lean meat in your diet each day. The best time to eat this would be at dinner time.


  • Make sure that the meat is fresh and without any infections. Clean the meat well before cooking.

13. Drink Cranberry Juice:

Cranberry juice has many health benefits, such as relief from Urinary Tract Infections, kidney stones, respiratory disorders, etc. Cranberry juice is considered to be rich in organic acids that have an emulsifying effect on the fat deposits in the body.


  • ½ cup of 100% cranberry juice and 2 cups of water.

Procedure and Dosage:

  • Pure Cranberry juice is powerful, and hence it has to be diluted with water.
  • Take half a cup of cranberry juice, dilute it with 2 cups of water and enjoy the drink.

How Often To Do This:

  • Consume this drink before each meal for desired results.


  • Make sure to check the packaging date before purchasing the cranberry juice from the store.

14. Drink Lots of Water:

  1. Drinking lots of water every day aids your digestion, keeps your metabolism functioning at its best, reduces bloating. In addition to this, replace your sugary and carbonated drinks with water is a quick fix to reduce your daily caloric intake, which in turn leads to weight loss.
  2. Try to drink 2-3 liters of water every day to flush out the toxins from your body and keeps your body hydrated.

15. Exercising:

  1. There is no substitute for exercising for weight loss. Belly fat does not get reduced with mere diet, exercising, or physical activity encourages the reduction of belly fat along with the proper nutrition.
  2. Many exercises help in reducing the upper belly fat, lower belly fat, and over fat from the body.
  3. Some of them are Walking, Cycling, Swimming, Crunches, Squats, Leg raising, Yoga, etc.
  4. Along with the remedies mentioned above, perform these easy exercises to obtain the desired results.

Belly fat is an irritating one and totally changes the way you look. With the above-mentioned home remedies, you can witness the desired results within weeks. Following the diet religiously is not sufficient; you also need to get up and do some physical activity and regular exercises to reduce the belly fat. Apart from all these, you should have a proper sleep-wake schedule, should be stress-free. Lastly, before trying any of the above diets or foods, do consult your doctor for a piece of professional advice.

Disclaimer: The information published in this article is solely for educational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your doctor before starting any of the diets mentioned above.


1. Does Belly Fat Have Long Term Effects On The Body?

Ans: Yes, belly fat has serious long term effects. Increased belly can cause heart problems, increases the blood pressure, increases the cholesterol levels in the blood, can cause diabetes, etc.

2. Is It Safe To Reduce Belly Fat With Surgery?

Ans: Liposuction is the surgery done to reduce the belly fat. Usually, this is an unsafe procedure that may lead to heart problems. The above-mentioned home remedies are perfectly safe to try to reduce your belly fat.

3. Will The Belly Bounce Back Once We Stop Following The Home Remedies?

Ans: There is a high chance of the belly bouncing back once you stop following the home remedies or doing physical exercises. Hence exercise daily even if your belly fat is decreased and follow some of the home remedies.

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