

25 Effective Home Remedies for Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is nothing but fat deposit under the skin. They appear mostly behind the thigh, on the buttocks, hips and belly. The appearance is lumpy and looks dimpled skin. Cellulites are embarrassing and mostly seen in adolescent and adult women. It has a bumpy orange peel appearance which is a combination of expanding fat cells that settle beneath the skin, and fibrous bands that run along perpendicular to the skin. Almost every woman gets cellulite in some part of the body at any time in life and is very common. Home remedies to try ad get rid of cellulite are very helpful and mostly successful.

cellulite home remedies

Causes of Cellulite:

There are number of reasons for cellulite, and some of them are as follows –

1. Hormonal changes: This is one of the most common factors resulting in cellulite especially on the abdomen and buttocks
2. Genes: there is only so much one can do when genetics are involved
3. Weight gain: weight gain stretches the skin and fat cells are deposited beneath the skin causing cellulite
4. Weight loss: When connective fibers beneath the skin are weak cellulite occurs
5. Poor diet: Poor diet triggers onset of cellulite as a diet rich in unhealthy fats lead to fat cells deposited in the skin resulting in cellulite
6. Lack of physical exercise: Physical activity to a very great extent can reduce cellulite. Lack of exercise only makes it worse.
7. Smoking: smoking causes cellulite and is a factor for many other ailments
Wearing tight clothes

Symptoms and Signs of Cellulite:

Symptoms of cellulite are more or less common among all. Some of them are as follows,

1. Appearance of dimpled and lumpy skin on thighs – this may appear bumpy and uneven skin tone
2. Lumpy and dimpled skin seen on the buttocks – dimpled buttocks are very common and most of the woman face this problem
3. Uneven looking skin specially on the thighs
4. It causes an orange peel kind of appearance – this is because of the fat cells deposited under the skin
5. It can also occur near underarms, upper portion of the arms and also breasts.
6. Appearance of cellulite also occurs commonly on the tummy.
7. If the cellulite is mild, the skin may not really appear dimpled unless you pinch the skin.
8. The sides of the thighs appear dimpled and very uneven in women who are over weight.

Prevention of Cellulite:

There are many ways to effectively prevent cellulite. It is important to work on preventing it. Some of the most effective ways are as follows,

1. Maintaining an active lifestyle is very important to avoid cellulite. Exercises help burn the fat cells and also help tone the body.
2. Maintaining a healthy diet is also as important as exercising. This can reduce the chances of fat build up and result in much less noticeable cellulite.
3. Loose skin that occurs due sudden and significant weight loss can worsen the situation and make the cellulite more noticeable.
4. Quit smoking – this will help tighten the skin and make cellulite reduce and less noticeable.
5. Use sunscreen adequately when out in the sun to help keep the skin smooth and tight. This will also result in much less noticeable cellulite.
6. Muscle toning workout are definitely advised to keep belly, thigh and buttocks in shape and help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Best Home Remedies for Cellulite Reduction:

1. Bath from Seaweed:

Bath from Seaweed

A good home remedy for cellulite treatment comes in the form of a seaweed bath. It should be done two times in a week and for 20 minutes in one session. However, the only problem is that it provides only temporary results on the cellulite and nothing permanent. But the safety and affordability makes it quite an option to consider.

  • You can alternatively also wrap the sea weed to the effected areas for 20 minutes and this also will help reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is one of the best home remedies for cellulite.
  • It will increase the blood flow and though shed some extra fluids from your body and help temporarily.

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2. Scrub It With Coffee:

Scrub it with Coffee

Soak yourself in a tub of warm water with a little coffee and scrub the affected areas of cellulite. Coffee scrub is known to improve the blood flow and thus ensures the cure of cellulite in a perfect way. In about a month’s time you will surely get firmer as well as smoother skin. Follow this 2-3 times in a week and get desired outcomes. This provides temporary relief but use this method regularly and you will see better results. Scrubbing with ground coffee is one of the best home remedies for lessening the appearance of cellulite.

  • You can add some sea salt and moisturizing coconut oil to coffee grounds and make an exfoliation for yourself.

3. Gelatin Wonders:

Gelatin Wonders

The amino acids in gelatin are very important when it comes to a healthy and problem free skin. Including gelatin in the daily diet is a perfect cure for cellulite treatment and makes skin firmer in only a couple of weeks. This is one home remedy that is worth a try and has a lot of other benefits too.

  • Gelatin helps tighten the skin and hence helpful in lessening the appearance of cellulite.
  • This is another effective and natural remedy for cellulite in the thigh.
  • Gelatin produces collagen that is a protein that are the building blocks of the skin.
  • Hence gelatin is the best home remedy for cellulite and also reduces wrinkles.

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4. Omega Fatty Acids Intake:

Omega Fatty Acids

Healthy fats like omega fatty acids helps in reducing the bad and unhealthy fat accumulated in the body and the reason why a lot of women experiences cellulite. According to professionals, the result of omega fatty 3 acids is slow and gradual but highly effective in reducing cellulite permanently and safely. This is best remedies for cellulite that really work.

  • The fat cells in cellulite are broken down thanks to the antioxidants present in fish like Salmon that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
  • These fats are really healthy and are required for the skin and tissue to be smooth.
  • As you really don’t want to spoil your beach party due to cellulite, you should go for this remedy.

5. Moisturize with Natural Products:

coconut oil

Usually the moisturizer available in the market is full of chemicals. If you are looking towards the right treatment for cellulite then use some natural products like coconut oil for deep nourishment of the skin.

  • Moisturizers can also be prepared at home using cocoa butter and other such products. It will surely help.
  • It is one of the most preferable home remedies for cellulite problem in women.
  • A good natural moisturizer helps the skin to be firm and hence helps reduce cellulite.
  • Moisturizing will also not gry tou skin or give it a cracked effect.
  • This is one of the best home remedies for cellulite.

6. Tomato Paste Cures Cellulites:

tomato paste

The high levels of antioxidant lycopene are what make the cellulite reduction possible. It breaks the collagen in the skin. The antioxidant properties in tomato paste helps fight harmful effects of the ultra violet rays coming from the sun. The way it reduces wrinkles and also helps fight cellulite. This is one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite at home.

  • Tomato paste can be applied on the affected areas daily to firm the skin well and treat cellulite well.
  • It helps in quick cellulite removal.
  • You can also use the tomato paste as a massage to get rid of cellulite.


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7. Green Tea Remove Cellulitis:

One of the best benefits of green tea is to remove the toxins and improve the metabolism. This stops the formation of enzymes that absorbs the fat and accumulates it in the body as cellulite. It has various other advantages. Have 2-3 cups each day. I can say it is best ever home remedy for cellulite treatment.

  • Green tea boosts energy in the body and also promotes weight loss.
  • It is also power packed with antioxidants that prevents radicle damage of the skin.
  • By reducing weight you can have a perfect beach body for summer.
  • This is one way to know how to get rid of cellulite naturally at home.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar:

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be diluted in water with a little honey and then rubbed well on the cellulite areas. This should be followed by a warm water rinse. The effects might not be permanent but it reduces the appearance of cellulite greatly.

  • Apple cider vinegar counteracts water and fluid retention especially on the thigh, buttocks and stomach area.
  • It also promotes weight loss and reduces bloating along with being one of the best remedies for cellulite.
  • You can have it 1st thing in the morning to get best results.
  • This is another ingredient you should know on how to get rid of cellulite at home.

9. Have More Water:

Drinking good amounts of water will surely help in cellulite reduction by cleansing the accumulated fat in the affected areas. It also improves metabolism and the blood flow to help you out. Have 12 glasses of water for best outcomes.

  • Drinking more than two liters of water everyday will help get rid of cellulite faster as dehydration intensifies and aggravates already present cellulite in it.
  • It is also important to keep the collagen in the skin nourished and well supplied with moisture. This is best way to know how to eliminate cellulite at home.

10. No Smoking:

No Smoking

One of the most important reasons or causes for dull and undernourished skin is the fact that most people now are not maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This means that smoking and drinking has become an extremely common habit of both men and women and stopping these is one of the best cellulite home remedies.

  • Smoking a cigarette reduces blood flow to the vessels and weakens and also interrupts in the formation of collagen in the skin.
  • Collagen is very important for a healthy skin.
  • For healthy lifestyle you need have moderate amount of drink and minimal smoking.
  • Not smoking is extremely important to maintain a healthy, smooth and soft skin.

11. Meat Can Help To Reduction Of Cellulite:


This does not mean any meat and especially a strict no- no for red meat. To know how to remove cellulite you should include a lot of lean meat including beef in your diet. These contain a lot of amino acids which in turn reduces cellulite. Along with this a few nuts and avocados are also great ways to reduce cellulite.

  • One of the main reasons for the appearance of cellulite is also because of sagging muscles.
  • This commonly happens around the stomach, thighs and upper arms and buttocks.
  • It is important to include meat in the diet as it is power packed with proteins and proteins helps get rid of cellulite naturally.

12. Perfect Routine:

proper lifestyle

There is no shortcut or quick home remedies for cellulite. If you have already developed them you need to give them time to get reduced. This means that you need to maintain a proper lifestyle and follow all instructions and then see day by day how nicely you get all the results for your hard work.

  • Maintaining a healthy diet and a healthy routine is one of the best ways to prevent cellulite naturally.
  • A healthy routine also increases metabolism and helps promote weight loss.
  • It is important to maintain a good and healthy regime to stay healthy and fit.
  • To have a perfect routine you need to manage time schedule for everything.

13. Dry Brushing:

Dry Brushing

One of the most effective cellulite reduction home remedies is by dry brushing your body part where you have a lot of cellulite. This one is proven technique and a lot of people have found it as a wonderful remedy. This has been done all over the world and you can trust this method for good. Dry brushing helps boost blood circulation which helps remove dead skin cells and also helps stimulate lymph nodes. It also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite significantly. It is important to use soft bristles crush to avoid damaging the skin tissue. This is one of the best home remedies for cellulite.

14. Cardio Regime:

cardiovascular exercises

One of the cellulite home remedies is the practice of cardiovascular exercises every day for at least 20 minutes to about half an hour and that’s it. There is no other workout regime as effective as this when it comes to the reduction of cellulite and this is proven well enough all the time by doctors and experts too.

  • Cellulite appears majorly due to too much fat or very less muscles.
  • /Cardio exercises burn away fat and also helps build protein.
  • Women with infants can cardio at home at it is not feasible for them to go for gym and spend time exercising.
  • This is one of the best home remedies for cellulite that really work.

15. Massage Treatment For Cellulite:

Massage Treatment

Just like practicing cardiovascular regime will improve the blood circulation of the body, in the same way massaging also does it well. Here you need to get hold of one cellulite massage cream which is easily available in the market and you will definitely know how to remove cellulite with this after massaging regularly.

  • Massage improves lymphatic drainage which helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • It also stretches of the cellulite dimples which also lower the appearance of cellulite.
  • Massage creams are also very helpful. If you cannot go for massage outside you may genteelly massage your body with cream after bath.
  • So the best home remedy is to massage to get rid of cellulite.

16. Stop To Eat Junk Food:

Junk food

It is best that you avoid all sorts of junk food and all carbonated and sweetened products if you are trying to get rid of that accumulated fat which is also known as cellulite in any part of the body. It is important that you take in more amounts of fibers and drink a lot of water and thus maintain a very healthy lifestyle.

  • The fat from the junk foods settles as fat and forms cellulite.
  • It is important to cut junk food in order to reduce the fat levels and also help build muscles.
  • This remedy will not only help you with cellulite but also with the weight loss.
  • Cellulite feeds on fats and carbohydrates.

17. Avoid Caffeine To Safe From Cellulite:


Say no to caffeine and this is very important too. It is true that we all love our cup of coffee or tea but the properties of caffeine are harmful and moreover the sweeteners used in these cups are artificial and very harmful too. You should rather try herbal teas and black coffees if you want to.

  • One of the main reasons for increase in cellulite is excesses of sweeteners added in the coffee.
  • Caffeine is very good for skin and is used in many skin products to improve the smoothness.
  • Massaging with ground coffee also reduces cellulite to a great extent.

18. Spa Treatment:

Spa trement

The good spas always have specialized treatments and cellulite treatments are one of them. These are known as hypoxia therapy treatments where your body will be massaged in a way that the right parts will receive the most pressure and due techniques. This will in turn increase the blood circulation of the body. This spa treatment can get rid of the cellulite problem.

  • Acoustic wave therapy also is one of the best remedies to treat cellulite from the tummy, thighs, buttocks and upper hands.
  • There are lots of other energy based cellulite reduction therapies which are very good for the skin and help reduce cellulite.

19. Hot Bath:

hot bath

It is good in this case if you try to take warm to hot baths at least twice a day. This is because the hot water makes you sweat and this in turn opens up the pores of the body. In this way excess fat comes out and you start reducing the heavy amount of cellulite which has got accumulated. A perfect hot water bath helps reduce cellulite as it reduces water retention and also helps melt away some fat cells.

  • A massage after a hot water bath works perfectly to reduce cellulite on the thighs, buttocks and stomach very effectively.

20. Towel Remedy:

Towel Remedy

In the last point I have mentioned about a hot bath and now this is the second part. After the hot bath you should wrap yourself in a hot towel and nothing else. This might be a little uncomfortable for you but then this is really, really effective to melt down that part of cellulite in the body.

  • Wrapping the areas affected with cellulite with towel dipped in hot water also melts the fat cells.
  • Now this helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is one of the best remedies for cellulite that really works.

21. Temperature Reversal:

Temperature Reversal

When you are taking a hot bath, it is a good way to reverse the temperature when you have finished and at the end. You can simply turn to cold water to give your body a lymphatic blast. After this you can again turn back to your hot towel and wrap yourself up just as said.

  • Hot water bath and then cold water bath gives a massage effect which is also very helpful for clearing out the appearance of cellulite. This is one of the best home remedies for cellulite that really works.
  • It is also called a therapy as it gives your body extreme temperature effect of hot and cold.

22. Detoxify:


Detoxification is important for everyone whether you are trying to treat cellulite or not. The special part about this detoxification is that you need to stress more on the liver part because the toxins out there are most harmful to accumulate excess fat in the body. So while in the process liver detoxification is more of what you need.

  • A good detox program removes toxins from the body.
  • It also helps metabolize blood sugar levels and also helps generate collagen to make the skin firm.
  • Detoxification also reduces water retention in the body which will help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • If you cannot perform this at home you can go to some centre’s that provide detoxifying method.

23. No Sweets:

No Sweets

It is very important that you give a break to your sweet tooth and forget absolutely how you loved the desserts after all your meals. Sugar and sweeteners are like poison when it comes to cellulite and they are absolute matches to each other. For this you also need to switch over sugar in all your cups of coffees and tea and juices too.

  • Sweets and sugary foods increase the fat content in the body which increases the appearance of cellulite on the thighs, buttocks and stomach.
  • It is important to make note of eating habits as a healthy diet helps reduce fat cells which also reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • As mentioned above about healthy eating and no junk food, this is one of them, and you need to have control over it for your body needs.

24. Lemons Can Reduce Cellulite:


Lemon juice and the Vitamin C content in them are very good to reduce cellulite with very effective ways. Now for this you need to consume lemon juice in half a cup of warm water after every meal that you take in. You can also mix some honey in this solution and then drink it. It is one of the best and most effective home remedies treatment for cellulite. This is one of the most important ways to help eliminate cellulite at home naturally. Citrus helps burn fat quicker than many other foods. That way the appearance of cellulite will reduce considerably. This method also reduces weight and which will ultimately help you reduce cellulites.

25. Do Not Measure:

Do Not Measure

After you have started your regime and have an aim to reduce all the accumulated cellulite in the body, it is normal that we keep checking how much progress we have made but you simply need to stop measuring every day. This will make the process seem to be long and you will soon become bored and fall out of order once again.

  • Cellulite may not completely go away, but these home remedies can definitely reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • What is important is a regular exercise and healthy eating habits.
  • It can take some time for the cellulite appear lesser than earlier so patience is virtue here.

Cellulite is a common problem with a lot of people. While some of them can actually flaunt it because there is not much, the others lose out on a lot of life before they get to know how to remove cellulite. What is important is to know how to get rid of cellulite naturally and quick. These home remedies will help you achieve that cellulite free body naturally and quickly. What is important is to invest the time and patience to see the effects. Most important is to make the right lifestyle choices. No smoking, eating healthy and regular exercise can make a big different in not only reducing the appearance of cellulite but also maintaining good health.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. What are the foods to avoid to remove cellulite?

Ans. Some of the foods increase the appearance of cellulite. It is important to know what foods to avoid for a cellulite free body. Some of these foods are as follows –

1. Processed foods – processed foods like cheese etc are high in calorie and will promote water retention in the body
2. Refined carbohydrates – refined carbs like white rice, white bread etc are high in sugar as all the vitamins, fiber, minerals, proteins and antioxidants are strained from the whole grains. What remains is just starch and sugar which increase the appearance of cellulite.
3. Excess salt – salt makes the body retain all the excess water which make the cellulite look more dimpled.
4. Canned foods – canned soups are filled will excess preservatives and salts to keep the foods last longer. This is a complete no to maintain a healthy diet to get rid of cellulite.
5. Carbonated drinks and sweetened beverages
6. Margarine and Buttery spread

Q2. How does smoking increase the appearance of cellulite?

Ans. Smoking is cigarette is very harmful for health in many ways. It is also responsible for increasing the appearance of cellulite.

1. Cigarette smoking reduces blood vessel flow which increases the appearance of cellulite.
2. It also weakens the collagen in the skin that damages the skin significantly.
3. It also interrupts with the formation of collagen and new cells. If there is less collagen, then the connective tissue stretches out and gets damaged easily.
4. Low levels of collagen will also promote the appearance of the excess fat under the skin that is nothing but cellulite.

Q3. Will stockings help reduce cellulite?

Ans. There are different types of stockings that can help reduce cellulite.

1. Compression socks or compression stockings work like wonders to help reduce cellulite in the thighs.
2. A graduated compression stocking increases the flow of blood and lymph nodes from the feet, calves and then the thighs and buttocks. Then flows towards the heart.
3. This way the compression stockings helps prevent water retention in the legs, thereby reducing the appearance of cellulite.
4. It is important to also note that the compression stockings should be avoided during sleep time as it can hinder with the blood circulation.
5. If for any reason it is important to wear them, then it is better to wear a low impact compression stockings.

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