

How to Get Rid of Water Weight

Water weight results from the body retaining water and many things can cause this. Water makes up about 70 percent of body mass and it accounts for the majority of the organs, muscles and blood. There are times where fluids build up in the body and lead to water weight. When you have excess water weight, it adds inches to your abdomen and other areas of your body so your clothes do not fit comfortably. To lose the water weight, you have to get the excess water out of the body and there are several ways you can do this quickly and naturally.

These remedies work to alleviate water weight associated with many common causes, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), physically inactivity, pregnancy, excessive salt intake, certain medications and poor diet. If you frequently experience water weight problems, talk to your doctor to determine the cause.

1. Reduce Your Salt Intake

How to Get Rid of Water Weight

Believe it or not, one of the best remedies for water weight is actually drinking more water. To flush out the water that has accumulated in your body, you need to add more water so that it encourages urination. When you urinate, you are ridding the body of wastes and excess fluid that you do not need. On average, you should be drinking eight to 10 eight ounce glasses of water every day. One of the best ways to ensure adequate water intake is to carry a quality water bottle around with you throughout the day so that you can take sips frequently. If you consume a lot of caffeine or if you are very physically active, you may need more water. The same is true for those with certain medical conditions and those taking certain medications because in some cases, health issues and medications use a lot of water, resulting in you needing to drink more. Your doctor can evaluate your health and help you to determine exactly how much water you need each day for optimal hydration.

6. Eat Plenty of Natural Diuretics

How to Get Rid of Water Weight

There are several foods that work to flush out excess water so you do not have to deal with water weight. Add these to your daily diet to keep water moving so that it is unable to accumulate. Common natural diuretic foods include the following:

  • Lemons
  • Celery
  • Oats
  • Ginger
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Beets
  • Cranberry juice
  • Cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Parsley
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelon
  • Carrots
  • Artichokes
  • Garlic
  • Asparagus

7. Start Moving

How to Get Rid of Water Weight

Exercise helps to get water in the body moving so that you can get rid of water retention. You also sweat when you exercise and this helps to eliminate some of the excess water and excess salt from the body. You want to focus on cardiovascular exercise when you are working to get rid of excess water, but a balanced workout plan is best to stop it from happening in the future. Combine a mixture of cardiovascular exercise, flexibility training and strength training to improve your overall health and work to prevent further issues with water retention problems. Ideally, you want to get 30 to 60 minutes of exercise every day, or at least most days of the weeks.

8. Get More B Vitamins and Iron

How to Get Rid of Water Weight

Not only do iron and B vitamins ensure your body functions properly, but they play a role in flushing excess water out of the body. Your doctor can recommend the proper dosage for you for both of these nutrients. It is best to get these nutrients from your diet, but if you have any known deficiencies, talk to your doctor about taking a supplement so you can be sure that you are getting enough.

9. Increase Your Intake of Magnesium and Calcium

How to Get Rid of Water Weight

Calcium and magnesium help to prevent water retention, especially when it is associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). On average, it is recommended that you get about 1,200 milligrams of calcium each day and 200 to 400 milligrams of magnesium. However, it is best to talk to your doctor first and he or she can help you to determine the right amount of for you. It is important to not get too much of these minerals because too much or too little can cause serious health problems.

10. Prop up Your Legs

How to Get Rid of Water Weight

If your legs, feet and ankles are swollen, prop them up above the level of the heart to encourage the excess fluid to drain from them. Lower extremity swelling is common after you spend a prolonged amount of time on your feet and walking around. When you get home, take your shoes off, put a couple pillows under your knees and lie back. This helps to drain that excess fluid and return your legs, feet and ankles to their normal size. You can also add some ice to further encourage a reduction in swelling. You can also ask someone to gently massage your legs from the knee down to move the water out. Just make sure that they are using upward strokes to push the fluid up and out of your legs.

You can combine several of these remedies to eliminate water weight. If your water retention is associated with a more serious cause, such as kidney disease or heart disease, you need to consult a doctor. You can usually use these remedies in addition to medical treatment, but you must get permission from your doctor. For the common causes of water retention, these remedies work well for almost all people and they usually work quickly so you can fit into your jeans without issue.

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