Nicole Richie Diet and Workout

33 year old Nicole Richie is known for many things these days. As well as THAT tv show (The Simple Life) that she starred in with fellow socialite Paris Hilton (before they fell out and then made friends again), this California-born beauty is now known for being a fashion designer, author, actress, TV personality, and more. Of course, her marriage to Good Charlotte frontman, Joel Madden got tongues wagging back in 2010, and then there were the two kids that followed, but the thing that sees to have kept her in the media spotlight more than anything else is her weight.

The first two seasons of The Simple Life saw a bubbly, curvaceous Nicole Richie alongside an always slim Paris, but when the third came along in 2006, something about the young socialite was different, and quite dramatically too! She was considerably thinner than she had been previously, and as with most celebrities that lose a lot of weight very quickly, the food-issue rumours soon started to surface and do the rounds.

Nicole Richie Diet and Workout

In May of that same year, Nicole publicly came out to Vanity Fair to admit that she felt she looked far too skinny these days, and opened up about her visits with Doctors and nutritionists. Of course, the last thing she wanted to do was make young girls believe that her very skinny frame was something to be idolised, and you do need to give her a certain amount of respect for being brave enough and coming out about her battles regarding her weight. She did deny, however, that she had anorexia, bulimia, or any other eating disorder, and that she had decided to employ the assistance of a personal trainer on top of a dietician to ensure she was as healthy as possible.

Of course, you can’t really get the full idea of how much weight she lost until you see the before picture:

Nicole Richie Diet and Workout

Nicole Richie Diet

After binging on goods that weren’t good for her for many years, and partying the nights away with boozy drink after boozy drink, it was actually her husband, Joel, that encouraged her to join him on a healthy eating dirt and workout regime. Out were the pizzas and other junk foods, and in were good foods – foods rich in nutrients and vitamins, such as wholesome fresh fruit and vegetables, brown rice, fish, and grilled chicken.

Also, Nicole seems to be very into her juicing diets right now, just like the rest of the world. It was suggested that, at one point, she was following six diet plans mixed together, that allowed her to have up to six juices per day. However, the 1,200 calories maximum that these juices would contain are simply not enough to sustain a healthy female adult body, and therefore wouldn’t be recommended to anyone looking to lose weight. There are happier, and healthier ways of doing it – something that Nicole Richie had since found out.

These days, she’s taking a more sensible approach to her diet and although she still enjoys juice plans to up her vitamin and mineral intake, she prefers to incorporate some “real” food – preferably those high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as fresh fish. Also, alongside the fresh fish, grilled chicken helps to boost protein levels, which are good for repairing and rejuvenating cells and therefore keeping them fit and healthy, and of course, fresh fruit and vegetables go without saying.

Another great trick that Nicole learned is to enjoy food, and all aspects of it. She learned how to cook, as well as experimenting with foods she had not yet tried and in doing that, she had much more control over what she was putting in her body and, on top of that, she fused a much better relationship with food – something that women all over the world seem to struggle with.

Nicole Richie Workout

Although her diet and her weight may have fluctuated over the years, Nicole has always tried to keep to a strict exercise regime and that’s a good thing – you won’t lose weight or get the body you’ve always wanted if you skip out exercise. No diet or magic pill in the world will rectify that situation! In Nicole’s case, it’s dancing that burns off those calories and in fact, for many women out there, dancing is the key to losing weight.

Nicole Richie Diet and Workout

With things like Zumba taking off, dance-weight-loss classes are all the rage, and what better way to lose weight than to have fun, shake your booty and have a jolly good old time?! Plus if it works for the likes of Nicole Richie, it can work for you too.

Although diet is important to lose weight, it is vital to remember that some kind of exercise is essential too, and Nicole’s answer gives you the perfect solution if you hate going to the gym or just jogging endlessly around a park for hours on end. The average 140 pound woman, for example, can lose over 300 calories by doing high intensity workouts such as Zumba for as little as half an hour. When you consider that you need to lose 3,500 calories in order to burn off just one pound of fat, every little helps!

The post Nicole Richie Diet and Workout appeared first on I Fashion Styles.

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