

A Study On Aloe Vera And Wrinkles

A Study On Aloe Vera And Wrinkles A Study On Aloe Vera And Wrinkles

In a study published in the Annals of Dermatology in 2009, researchers found that just 1200 mg/d (1/4 teaspoon!) of pure Aloe Vera gel can significantly reverse signs of skin aging – in 90 days.

30 healthy women over the age of 45 received 2 different oral doses (low dose – 1200 mg/d, high dose – 3600 mg/d) of pure Aloe Vera gel supplementation for 90 days.

After just 90 days, facial wrinkles improved significantly in both groups, and facial elasticity improved in the lower dose group.

The study also showed that drinking aloe gel increased production of collagen, the basic structural component of the skin. The more collagen your skin produces – the less wrinkles and sagging skin you’ll have.

But here’s what’s most amazing: Aloe also worked way down at the DNA level. It decreased gene activity that causes collagen to become damaged in the first place.

As well as rejuvenating your skin, Aloe Vera can detox your digestive system. The gel moves through your intestinal tract and picks up toxins along the way and drags them out through your colon.

Detoxing your system is another great way to make your skin shine from within.

Topically, Aloe Vera repairs skin damage (burns, scars, wounds, acne). Internally, it helps rebuild collagen (more of it and faster) and cleanse your system.

At the DNA level, it fights to prevent collagen breakdown in the first place. Simply put, Aloe Vera works from the inside out to reverse wrinkles and prevent new ones from appearing – in just 90 days!

Aloe Vera works from the inside out to reverse your aged-skin. Did you know Cleopatra used Aloe Vera?

So, there you have it, another great reason to drink your daily Aloe Vera gel!

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The post A Study On Aloe Vera And Wrinkles appeared first on KAYSWELL.

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