

Honey For Sore Throat: Quick Remedies and Relief

Sore Throat and Honey: What Is The Connection?

Sore throat is more like a pain, itch and irritation that you feel in your throat. This pain can be the first sign of a sore throat, a very common condition experienced by a lot of us. A spoonful of honey for sore throat is a well_known remedy to cure it.

Honey For Sore ThroatHoney For Sore Throat

The medicinal property of honey is the reason why we vouch for it. Honey is rich in antioxidants, the one property that can effectively lower the blood pressure of the body. Combined with this, it can also improve the cholesterol levels of the body. Besides this, the smooth texture of honey gives a very soothing feel to the throat. Manuka honey for sore throat will be beneficial too. The antiviral and antibacterial property of manuka honey will help reduce inflammation and also attacks the bacteria that causes throat pain.

Honey also has been proven to reduce cough and the mucous secretion, especially in children(1). The anti_infective, anti_inflammatory and antioxidant property of it, helps in sore throat treatment. Also, it enables a faster recovery(2).

Table Of Content:

  • Which Is The Best Honey For Sore Throat?
  • How To Use Honey For Sore Throat?
  • Other Uses Of Honey In The Treatment
  • Side Effects Of Honey
  • When Should You Seek Medical Help?

Which Is The Best Honey For Sore Throat?

There are many kinds of honey available in the market.

  • The raw honey and pasteurized honey are the main ones apart from Manuka. The main difference between both is that raw honey is pasteurized and is just filtered.
  • Pasteurized honey, on the other hand, is pasteurized at high temperature to kill the yeast that prevents the fermentation process. This also keeps the honey free of granules, thus giving it the liquid a smooth texture.
  • Raw honey, on the other hand, is milky in texture and will have granules that can be melted in warm water.
  • Manuka honey, on the other hand, has antiviral and antibacterial properties that will effectively reduce the inflammation and coats the inner lining of the throat for a soothing effect.

There have been no studies that show one is better over the other. However, upon usage, some people have claimed that raw honey is more nutritious than the other. For sore throat, we recommend raw, pasteurized or manuka honey. All the three have a calming and soothing effect on the infection and also helps kill bacteria that contribute to the infection.

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How To Use Honey For Sore Throat?

Here is a detailed description on how to use honey for sore throat. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Manuka Honey:

Manuka honey for sore throat has been in use for a long time. It provides relief to the soreness and irritation. Besides this, the extra smooth liquid also helps in forming a coating on the lining of the throat. The antibacterial properties in it fight the bacteria that cause sore throat infection.

How To Use:

  • Mix two spoons of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it twice a day.
  • It is ideal for drinking it in the morning every day when you start to feel the symptoms of sore throat.

How To Consume:

  • There is no time as such to have this. You can drink it when you feel intense pain.
  • However, when you start to experience symptoms of sore throat, start your day with a glass of warm water mixed in two spoons of water.


  • if you have an allergy to bee stings, stay away from the honey of any sort.
  • Too much consumption can also be stinging because of the low pH and high acidity in it(3).

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2. Raw Honey:

How To Use Honey For Sore ThroatHow To Use Honey For Sore Throat

The raw honey is the one that is straight from the honeycomb. The collector will filter the honey to remove pieces of debris and does not pasteurize it. The opaque colour of it is because of this non_filtration.

Raw honey is a natural suppressant of cough and can also significantly give relief to sore throat with its antibacterial property. Since Manuka honey is expensive, a lot of people prefer raw honey for the same as it is inexpensive.

How To Use:

  • Mix two spoons of raw honey in a glass of warm water. Alternatively, squeeze drops of lemon to it and then add the honey.
  • Stir well and drink it warm.
  • Honey and lemon for cough and sore throat come with a mixed effect of lemon which can break the mucus and is an antibacterial in the property.

How To Consume:

  • Drink about two glasses of this twice a day for best results.
  • You can have it at any point of the day.


  • Watch out for the debris it contains. It can sometimes be harmful for the body.

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3. Pasteurized Honey:

Pasteurized honey, as the name suggests, is pasteurized and kills all the harmful bacteria and yeast in it. The obtained honey improves the texture and colour of the honey. It removes crystallization of the honey and brings in longer shelf life.

How To Use:

  • Mix two spoons of honey in a glass of warm water. Stir well and drink as many times in the day.


  • Alternatively, you can also try honey and turmeric for sore throat in your glass of warm water.
  • Boil the water and when it comes to a rolling boil, add a pinch of turmeric and switch off the flame.
  • Add honey and drink warm.

Why It Is Effective:

  • The rich antioxidant will help in curing the sore throat.
  • Warm water and honey for sore throat is an excellent cure.

How To Consume:

  • Drink them twice or thrice a day.
  • There is no particular time to drink it.
  • If you start experiencing the symptoms of a sore throat, drink it as first thing in the morning.


  • Since is pasteurized, many essential benefits or nutrition is lost in the process and does not contribute much to the body.

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How To Use Honey With Other Combinations For Sore Throat:

1. Honey and Lemon:

Honey and Lemon for sore throatHoney and Lemon for sore throat

Honey has antibacterial properties. It can help in soothing a sore throat. Lemon juice helps to treat congestion. Honey added to hot water or tea along with lemon juice is best for sore throat as it thins the mucus. Studies also show that honey and lemon for cough and sore throat may help to ease a cough that can contribute to sore throat pain.

How To Prepare:

  • Boil water in a pan.
  • Place a tea bag in a cup.
  • Pour boiling water over it.
  • Add one teaspoon of honey and squeeze in some lemon juice.

How To Consume:

  • This can be consumed several times a day.


  • Ensure that you are not allergic to the ingredients.

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2. Honey and Ginger:

Ginger and honey for sore throat make an ideal combination. Ginger has anti_inflammatory properties that help soothe a sore throat. It relieves inflammation and helps reduce the pain caused by a sore throat. It reduces painful inflammatory responses while fighting infection. Honey has antibacterial properties and helps to fight infection and also soothe the scratchy feeling in the throat.

How To Prepare:

  • Peel and chop and crush ginger. (size bigger than a lemon).
  • Add 4 cups of hot water.
  • Boil ginger and water in a vessel over medium heat.
  • After turning off the heat, allow it to steep for 5 minutes.
  • Add in a teaspoon of honey to a cup and pour ginger water over it.

How To Consume:

  • Drink this daily to soothe your throat.


  • Excess ginger can cause heartburn and diarrhoea, so consume it in moderation.

3. Honey and Black Pepper:

Black pepper is a common household spice that has cold_fighting properties. Pepper packed with vitamin C, flavanoids, antibacterial, and antioxidants loosen phlegm. Honey is antibacterial and has antioxidants. It soothes a painful sore throat and is an effective cough suppressant. Thus, honey and black pepper for sore throat make an effective remedy.

How To Prepare:

  • In a cup, add one teaspoon of freshly ground pepper.
  • Two tablespoons of honey.
  • Pour boiling water over it.
  • Cover and steep for 15 minutes.

How To Consume:

  • Drink this daily.


  • Ingesting large quantities can burn the throat or cause stomach irritation.

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4. Warm Water and Honey:

Honey can soothe a sore throat and is an effective cough suppressant. Being antibacterial, honey treats the infection and prevents the growth of certain bacteria. Warm water and honey for sore throat help in soothing and curing throat pain.

How To Prepare:

  • In a glass of warm water.
  • Add two tablespoon of honey.
  • Mix well and consume.

How To Consume:

  • This drink can be had several times a day.

5. Cayenne Pepper and Honey:

Cayenne contains capsaicin, which has antibacterial and anti_inflammatory properties, eases a sore throat, and treats it, whereas honey soothes the throat with antibacterial properties. It is believed that the best treatment is cayenne pepper and honey for strep throat

How To Prepare:

  • In a cup of hot water, add I teaspoon of ACV and some Cayenne pepper.
  • Mix in a large dollop of honey.
  • One can use a gargle made with mixing ½ teaspoon of Cayenne pepper in 1 cup of water and gargling with it.

This can help reduce inflammation and clear the sore throat.

How To Consume:

  • Take this once a day


  • Cayenne pepper can cause burning sensation and stomach irritation, so exercise caution while using it. While using it as a gargle, avoid if your sore throat has open sores.

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6. Honey and Cinnamon:

Honey and Cinnamon for sore throatHoney and Cinnamon for sore throat

Honey and cinnamon for sore throat make a killer combination in treating sore throat effectively with it’s antibacterial and anti_inflammatory properties. They help in healing the infection.

How To Prepare: Make a Cough Syrup:

  • In a bowl add 1 cup of honey.
  • One teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • A little of freshly squeezed lemon.
  • 1/4 cup of lukewarm water.
  • Mix well to make a syrup.

How To Consume:

  • Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of this at bedtime.


  • Always use organic honey to avoid side effects

7. Honey and Turmeric:

Turmeric is not just a spice, but it can work wonders on cough and cold. Honey is well known for it’s antibacterial/anti_inflammatory properties. Honey and turmeric for sore throat help to fight infection and soothe throat pain.

How To Prepare:

  • In a bowl, take one teaspoon of turmeric.
  • Add two teaspoons of honey.
  • Mix to form a smooth paste.

How To Consume:

  • Take half a teaspoon of this mixture 3_4 times a day to give you relief

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8. Honey and Salt Water:

Saltwater gargle is an age_old remedy, which works effectively. Salt in warm water removes mucus, and the antiseptic properties fight against infection. Honey reduces the thickness of mucus and with it’s antiviral and antibacterial properties, works against infection. Honey and salt for sore throat treatment and provide relief in alleviating the pain.

How To Prepare: Saltwater Gargle:

  • To a glass of warm water.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
  • Mix well, once dissolved.
  • Gargle with this 2_3 times a day.
  • Taking plain honey can soothe the throat and suppress a cough.

How To Consume:

  • Gargle 2_3 times a day and honey can be taken at bedtime to ease the cough and throat.

9. Honey and Milk:

milk and honey for sore throatmilk and honey for sore throat

Milk and honey for sore throat make a perfect comforting drink when one is suffering from sore throat and cold. Honey is rich in antioxidants; it has antibacterial and anti_inflammatory properties. It is an age_old tradition to use honey for cold and sore throat.

How To Prepare:

  • In a mug of hot milk.
  • Add one tablespoon of honey.

How To Consume:

  • This is an ideal drink for bedtime.


  • Ensure that you are no lactose intolerant.

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Other Uses Of Honey In The Treatment:

benefits of honey for sore throatbenefits of honey for sore throat

Besides curing sore throat, honey can also be used for associated problems. Here is a briefing.

1. Cough:

  • The most recurring problem for the many of us, cough can be treated with honey.

How To Use:

  • Use two spoons of honey mixed in a warm glass of water.
  • Drink this thrice a day for best results.

How It Helps:

  • Honey is known to act as a natural suppressant of cough.
  • Consuming this, especially in the night, will be an effective way to stop coughing.

2. Cold:

The next commonly occurring problem for a lot of us is the common cold. Honey has antibacterial properties, that can kill the bacteria and viruses that are responsible for cold.

How To Use:

  • Mix one spoon of honey in your daily tea.
  • Drink this thrice a day for best results.

How It Helps:

  • The antibacterial property in honey can fight the virus and bacteria that cause cold, thereby giving you relief.

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3. Fever:

To your surprise, honey can help with your flu or fever too. Dark honey should be used for this as it contains more antioxidants.

How To Use:

  • Mix 1 ½ teaspoon of tartar cream With ½ teaspoon of lemon juice to 2 ½ cups of warm water and ½ teaspoon of dark honey(4).
  • Take them warm.

How It Helps:

  • The antioxidants present in dark honey will help fight the bacteria that cause you to have a high temperature.

4. Burns:

  • Burns also can be treated with honey, along with preventing infection.

How To Use:

  • Dab small cotton with honey on the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes to dry.
  • Cover it with the cotton.
  • Do this twice a day.

How It Helps:

  • Honey is known to make wounds sterile at a much lesser time and reduces the healing time of the burn.

Side Effects Of Honey:

As always, every product has its own side effects. You need to be sure of the brand of honey you buy. Otherwise, there is a high risk of disease or harmfulness to the body. Also, too much of honey also adds to sugar to the body.

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When Should You Seek Medical Help?

Consult your doctor or expert if honey in various combination like ginger and honey for sore throat or honey and lemon for cough and sore throat do not work. They signal that there is a need for medical care. If the problem of sore throat persists more than a week, it is at best to consult your doctor.

Natural remedies like honey for sore throat is the most commonly practised one. Most often, your body starts responding to these. However, if it is too extreme, there is a chance that it may not reduce. You need to know, therefore, when to seek medical help and when you can cure it on your own.


1. Does Cayenne Pepper and Honey For Sore Throat Help?

Yes, they help. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which is a natural compound that is responsible for blocking the pain receptors. These pain receptors give you the pain in the throat that you often feel in this period. Mixing cayenne in warm water with a spoon of honey can help to a certain extent in curing a sore throat.

2. How Are Milk and Honey Useful For A Sore Throat?

Although there is no proven evidence that this may help cure, milk and honey are known to provide relief. This is a popular grandmother medicine that has helped a lot of people. Simply mix a spoon full of honey to a glass of hot milk and drink when it is warm. It not only soothes your throat but also gives you a good sleep.

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3. Is Honey For Throat Ulcers Are Helpful?

Throat ulcers are the result of a break in the lining of the throat that can cause extreme pain. Although honey cannot be of much help, they definitely help in soothing the throat and the lining, thus giving you relief.

Disclaimer: Most of the times, a sore throat will heal on its own. Call your doctor if you notice a sore throat that comes with a fever or when the tonsils start to block your throat. Our natural remedies will help you to a great extent.

The post Honey For Sore Throat: Quick Remedies and Relief appeared first on I Fashion Styles.

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