

Suptavajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) – How to do and Benefits

People usually look upon yoga as just another mean to body flab shedding. A little breathing and a lot of stretching, early on the backdrop of a rising sun is just where yoga for them ends. However, yoga is more than simply a flab shedder. Yoga for some is a fitness mantra and for someone else, it is just a tranquil getaway to freedom of mind, a peaceful juncture that you so readily want to achieve after a tiresome tumultuous day.


Yoga, when made into a catalogue can run into several pages of demonstrative work, all binding together to help you be the proud owner of a healthy body and mind. In this article today, we shall explore one such yoga, called the Suptavajrsana.

How To Do It?

Yoga for all is not a piece of cake. While some poses are indeed hard to conquer, it is usually the benefits that keep us concentrated on the steps. However, this is one of the fortunate easy stances that mainly focus is on slow paced breathing along with some stretches on the go. Before we move on to the benefits, let’s take a look into the guidelines to performing it.

See More: Siddhasana Benefits

Prior to the stance practice, beginners might require a soft back support, probably a cushion or a quilt.Start by spreading your yoga mat to start the procedure. The stance that should become your base pose is called Vajrasana. Kneeling down on your knees, your hips should rest against your heel as you place your arms on each side.

By now your spine should be erect, aligned with your neck. Take a deep breath and start leaning backwards. This is when the back support should be applied to your waist as you go all way down till your head touches the floor. At the same time, you must make sure your bent knees are not lifted off the ground.

Ask a separate pair of hands to hold down the knees as you recline back. At the initial stages, this might look like a hard job and in the process you should be careful not to strain yourself unnecessarily. For the beginners, reclining all the way back should strictly be assisted by a back support as a small wrong move might result in a bad sprain. As you lay down, take some few deep breaths before going back to the base position.

See More: Supta Padangusthasana

How Does It Help Us?

  • The reclining back helps us in getting over that marrow rigidness that becomes the source for many bad back aches. As you bend your spine all the way to the ground, the small stretches that you feel on the way are actually the marrow joints and the muscles around it opening up to become more flexible.
  • This is similar to your morning squats, where the lower body muscles gets toned and firmed all the way as you recline back, keeping your lower limbs intact.
  • Some say, this posture is the final stance for letting out negativity and pessimism from your body. Even though this is a folk lore, often you can use variation to the hands by putting them above your head clasping them which is a sign of locking in the positivity while you let the negativity in you out through your knees.
  • In a more logical solution, the abdomen area faces a slight pull as you go stretch yourself. This is said to be good for your intestines where this yoga helps you strengthen them for a better digestion and immunity.

See More: Reclining Bound Angle Pose

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