

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Having oily skin can be a living nightmare, and anyone having this skin type knows the difficulty of managing it. Whether your foundation melts away within a few hours of applying it or your face feels oily after a few minutes of washing it, these problems are real, especially for people with oily skin. So if you have been wondering about home remedies for oily skin, this article can be a perfect solution.

An overproduction of sebum from sebaceous glands results in oily skin because these glands are under the surface of your skin. Although sebum moisturizes your skin and keeps it healthy and shiny, too much of it can result in acne and clogged pores.

This article’s home remedies for oily skin can be an excellent alternative to the expensive products that help you manage oily skin efficiently. Read on!

Causes And Risk Factors:

If you are wondering what causes oily skin, some of the common causes and risk factors of oily skin are as follows:

Oily skin usually runs in families, and you will likely have oily skin if your parents have one. Adolescents and young adults tend to have oilier skin compared to older people. Although there is no guarantee that your skin will become non_oily as you age, it does keep your skin moisturized. You are likely to produce more oil if you live in a hot and humid place. This is the reason why when compared to winters, your skin is oilier in summers. Enlarged pores make your skin produce more oil. If you use skincare products that don’t suit your skin type, it might result in your skin retaining more oil. So choose products that are apt for your skin type. Washing your face too frequently can also adversely affect people with oily skin. Stress. There is a chance of your skin getting oilier if you skip applying a moisturizer. If you have oily skin, prefer water_based and light_weight moisturizer.

Home Remedies That Help To Get Rid Of Oily Skin:

If you have oily skin and want to treat the condition, the home remedies mentioned below will help you deal with it efficiently. Go through this article for more information:

1. Honey:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Honey helps you take care of oily skin by naturally reducing oil secretion. It also acts as a natural emollient that helps keep your skin hydrated. In addition, incorporating honey into your skincare routine will prevent acne breakouts with its antimicrobial properties (1).

Two to three tbsp of raw honey.

Wash your hands and apply honey to your face evenly. Use your fingertips to massage your face. Let it remain in your skin for 30 minutes. Use normal water to rinse off your face. You can use this remedy every day.

2. Blotting Papers:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

If you have oily skin carrying blotting papers can be an excellent solution. You can use blotting paper to remove oily skin by removing extra oil from the problematic areas instead of washing your face. It also keeps your surface bright by helping your makeup stay longer on your face.

3. Oatmeal:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

If you are looking for a way to prevent oily skin, add oatmeal to your skincare routine. Oatmeal protects your skin from the sun by acting as a robust ultraviolet absorber. It helps prevent acne and reduces sebum production as oatmeal acts as an anti_inflammatory, cleansing, and moisturizing agent (2).

½ tbsp of ground oatmeal. Water as much needed.

Place the oatmeal powder in a bowl. Add the required amount of water to form a smooth paste.

Gently apply the paste to your face evenly. Let it remain on your face for about 20 minutes. Use plain water to rinse your face. Use this remedy every alternate day for effective results.

4. Lemon:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Lemon helps control sebum production by shrinking the pores as it is a rich source of citric acid, making it an excellent home remedy for oily skin. It also helps kill the acne_causing bacteria because lemon possesses antimicrobial properties (3).

Two tbsp of lemon juice. Two tbsp of water. Cotton balls.

Place lemon juice and water in a bowl. Combine them thoroughly.

Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to your face evenly. Let it remain on the face for about 20 minutes. Use normal water to rinse your face.

5. Egg White:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Egg whites efficiently deal with oily skin problems because they stimulate the human dermal fibroblasts to produce more collagen, helping your skin firm up (4). This process helps control excess oil by helping shrink your pores.

One cotton ball. One egg white.


Separate the whites from the yolk of the egg. Gently whisk the egg white.

Use a cotton ball to evenly apply the mixture over your face and neck. Let it remain on your face for about 30 minutes. Use plain water to rinse your face. Use this remedy once or twice a week for good results.

6. Green Tea:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Green tea is a common beverage in many households because of its health benefits. But green tea also treats acne by reducing sebum production as it has a good amount of polyphenols (5).


Pre_used green tea bags.

Refrigerate a couple of used green tea bags for about 15 minutes.

Place the refrigerated green tea bags on your face. Make sure to leave the residue for about 20 minutes. Use normal water to rinse off your face.

7. Jojoba Oil:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Jojoba oil prevents acne breakouts by tricking your skin into producing lesser oil because it is similar to sebum, making it one of the best natural remedies for oily skin. This is why many moisturizers and sunscreens have jojoba oil as an ingredient because it is a plant oil with anti_inflammatory properties (6).

One or two tsp of jojoba oil.

Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Apply jojoba oil to your face by using your fingertips. Let it remain on your face for about 20 minutes. Use normal water to rinse your face.

8. Aloe Vera:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Aloe vera helps tone your skin by reducing the size of your pores since it exhibits astringent and moisturizing properties (7). These properties help control the production of excess oil from your skin without making it dry.

Fresh aloe vera gel.

Take an aloe vera leaf and remove the fresh gel from it.

Gently apply the fresh gel to your face evenly. Let it remain on your face for about 20 minutes. Use normal water to rinse off your face.

9. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes can be one of the best remedies for very oily skin by unclogging pores and absorbing excess skin oils as it contains salicylic acid (8). It also helps eliminate excess oil, spots, and blackheads by acting as a natural cleanser because tomato includes vitamins A, C, and lycopene (9).

Pulp of one tomato. One tbsp of honey. One cotton ball.

Place all the ingredients in a bowl. Combine them thoroughly.

Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to your face evenly. Let it remain on your face for about ten minutes. Use normal water to rinse your face. For good results, use this remedy once a week.

10. Wash Your Face Regularly:

Although an obvious step in your skincare routine, washing your face at least twice daily can effectively deal with oily skin. Use a gentle cleanser and warm water to wash your face. Although it is safe to cleanse your face twice a day, please don’t overdo it. Also, avoid soaps with solid fragrances or moisturisers to avoid excess oil production from your skin (10).

11. Almonds:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

If you are looking for a natural home remedy for oily skin, using ground almonds in a face scrub can be very effective. Almond oil improves complexion and rejuvenates and tones your skin with its anti_hepatotoxicity and anti_inflammatory properties (11). But avoid using almonds if you have nut allergies.

Three tbsp of almond powder. Two tbsp of raw honey.

Take a bowl, and place the almond powder and honey in it. Combine all the ingredients to form a smooth paste.

Gently apply the mixture to your face in circular motions evenly. Let it remain for about 15 minutes. Use warm water to wash your face. Use a soft cloth to dry your skin.

12. Konjac Sponges:

It is essential to keep your pores clean to avoid breakouts since oily skin attracts dirt and dead skin. Konjac sponges are one of the best remedies for oily skin as they are perfect for gentle exfoliation because they are made with fibers from the roots of yam_like vegetables.

The Konjac sponges are entirely compostable and help clear pores without damaging the skin. But make sure not to overuse and limit their use to about twice a week.

How To Get Rid Of Open Pores

13. Charcoal:

Activated charcoal is yet another face remedy for oily skin that naturally draws out all the gunk that hangs around the pores. Charcoal is gentle on the skin, although it is a heavy_duty cleaning powder. It helps soak up the sheen on your face when the carbon in the activated charcoal comes into contact with impurities (12). Although activated charcoal is beneficial for your oily skin, using it too often might upset oil balance making your skin dry.

14. Clay Masks:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Clay masks are a natural treatment for oily skin because they contain minerals like smectite or Bentonite. These minerals help lessen the appearance of oily skin by absorbing the excess oil. In addition, according to a study, Bentonite can be beneficial in healing ulcers and skin lesions (13). There are several clays available in the market, out of which French green clay in powdered form is quite famous for its high oil absorption.

One tbsp of clay. Rosewater.

Take a bowl and add the clay to it and add rose water. Combine all the ingredients thoroughly, forming a smooth paste. You can add rose water depending on the consistency you want.

Gently apply the mixture to your face evenly. Leave it on your face until it dries. Use warm water to remove the clay. Pat your face dry using a soft cloth.

15. Apple Cider Vinegar:

15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try

Apple cider vinegar moisturizes and tones your skin, helping you naturally get rid of oily skin. It also enables you to avoid breakouts caused by excess oil build_up with the help of its antibacterial properties (14).


¼ cup of apple cider vinegar. ¾ cups of distilled water. Cotton ball.


Combine the water and apple cider vinegar. Mix them thoroughly, creating a diluted ACV.

Take the cotton ball and apply the liquid to your face evenly. Let it remain on your skin for about ten minutes. Use cool water to rinse your face.

Tips To Getting Rid Of Oily Skin:

Here are some simple yet effective tips that will help get rid of oily skin efficiently:

Use a mild cleanser and water to wash your face twice a day. Avoid frequent touching of your skin. Before going to bed, make sure to remove all your makeup. Protect your face from dirt and oil, and keep your hair away. Make sure to use a toner every day. Add a PH_balanced toner and water_based cosmetics for your skin. If you want to control oily skin, find a skincare routine that works and stick to it. Avoid including greasy foods in your diet. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water.


If you stick to the tips and home remedies mentioned in this article, oily skin can be managed quite well. However, if the tips and remedies don’t seem to work for you, don’t lose hope. It is essential to keep trying until you find a perfect skincare regimen to make a positive difference. Then, you can consult a dermatologist to find a solution to your oily skin woes if the problem persists.

If genetics or hormones are the reasons for your oily skin, avoiding it and its consequences is not entirely possible. All you can do is incorporate any home remedies for oily skin mentioned in this article to tackle the skin condition naturally.

The post 15 Practical Home Remedies for Oily Skin You Can Try appeared first on I Fashion Styles.

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