We all suffer from dead skin and keep wondering how to remove dead skin from the body! Our skin is the main organ in the body that protects the body from various environmental conditions. Like every organ that is present in the body, skin also regenerates at regular intervals. After every 30 days or so, old skin cells die and are replaced by new skin cells. Our bodies shed these dead skin cells all the time, but some of them get accumulated and clog pores and sweat glands. It is very essential to know how to remove dead skin cells as clogging of pores of dead skin cells makes it a breeding ground for various bacteria that causes acne, blackheads, hair problems, and other skin issues. So, we must scrape off dead skin regularly and know more about getting rid of dead skin cells here.
What is Exfoliation, and What is Its Importance?
Wondering how to remove dead cells? Exfoliation is the process of removing dead cells from the surface of the skin with various natural and chemical methods that easily remove dead skin cells. Including exfoliation in your regular skincare routine has many advantages. Dead skin cells damage the skin and fasten skin ageing. Exfoliation improves blood circulation and keeps the skin healthy. It is also vital to know your skin type before trying the method of exfoliation so that you do not lose the balance of essential natural oils in the skin. Proper cleaning of dead skin cells also makes the skin look radiant and youthful. It helps in moisturizing the skin and aiding skin elasticity. Keep reading this guide to know more about how to clean and easily remove dead skin cells.
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Benefits of Exfoliation:
Exfoliation helps to remove and get rid of dead skin cells easily. If you are wondering about how to remove dead skin from the face then here are benefits one must not miss.
Accumulation of dead skin cells in the pores gives rise to dirt and bacteria that lock natural skin oils. Clearing dead skin cells keep the skin clean of unwanted debris.
: Wondering about the best method son how to remove dead skin from the face and body, this aids in better circulation of oxygen_rich blood to the skin and better elimination of lymphatic waste.
Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin from the face with acne. This heals the skin of acne, blemishes, pigmentation, etc. that are caused due to dirt and bacteria breeding on dead skin.
Cleaning dead skin from face and allowing new skin cells stimulates cell turnover improving texture, radiance, and freshness.
Exfoliation helps not only clear dead skin from face but also prevents conditions like an ingrown hair. It stimulates collagen synthesis and cell turnover slowing ageing, and improving skin health.
How To Remove Dead Skin From Face and Body?
There are various natural and chemical methods of how to remove dead skin cells from body and face. Though there are many chemical products available in the market, natural processes turn out to be the most effective and without side effects. As exfoliation improves skin health, it must be done to the entire body and not just the face alone. Let us look at some excellent remedies that help us get rid of dead skin on the body. These are easy methods to remove dead skin from the face at home.
1. Brown Sugar and Coconut Oil Scrub:
Brown sugar is one of the best natural exfoliators to clear dead skin from face and body. Rubbing coarse sugar on the skin cleans the pores thoroughly. This scrubbing activates the blood vessels and increases blood circulation, making your skin healthy, soft, and radiant. Coconut oil is highly regarded as one of the best natural moisturizers. It also has high anti_bacterial properties that help the skin stay healthy. Raw sugar is also very good at removing dead skin cells from the lips.
One tablespoon of brown sugar and one teaspoon Coconut oil (increase the ingredients depending on the mass of the body).
10 minutes.
Mix one tablespoon of brown sugar and one teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply this mixture on the face and other desired body parts. Slowly and gently scrub your skin in circular motions with your fingers. If you are exfoliating your lips, gently massage your lips with this mixture with your wet fingers. Leave it to clear dead cells from face and skin for at least 10_15 minutes and wash with warm water.
Twice a week.
Do not over scrub the skin as it may damage the balance of natural skin oils. This is good to get rid of dead skin on hands.
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2. Rice Flour and Curd Scrub:
The Rice flour is an age_old remedy of traditional Indian medicine to take out dead skin from face and body. Rice and curd also nourish the skin with the required vitamins and minerals. The cooling property of rice makes the skin supple and lighter. Rice scrub is one of the best exfoliators to remove dead skin from hands and legs.
One tablespoon of coarse rice flour. Half a tablespoon of curd or yogurt (increase the ingredients depending on the mass of the body).
10 minutes.
Mix one tablespoon of rice flour with half tablespoon of curd or yogurt. Apply this mixture on the face and other desired body parts. Slowly and gently scrub your skin in circular motions with your fingers. Leave it to clear dead skin cells from face and body for 30_40 minutes and wash with warm water.
: Twice a week.
Do not over scrub the skin as it may damage the balance of natural skin oils. If you have oily skin, replace yogurt or curd with buttermilk.
3. Oatmeal Scrub:
Oatmeal scrapes dead skin off the face very well. The Oatmeal has the property of softening the dry dead cells and clean dead skin from face. It also reduces any inflammation and nourishes the skin and making the skin smooth and soft. It is also found to be a great moisturizer and very effective in oil control. This is an amazing trick to remove dead skin cells from the body.
Two tablespoons of oatmeal and water as required (increase the ingredients depending on the mass of the body).
:10 minutes.
Mix oatmeal and water to form a smooth paste. Apply this mixture on the face and body. Slowly and gently scrub your skin in circular motions with your fingers. Leave it on your skin for 20 minutes and wash with warm water.
Twice a week.
4. Gram Flour and Milk Scrub:
Gram flour is one of the best home remedies to remove dead skin from the face and body. This Gram flour nourishes the skin and also lightens it. It is an excellent remedy to remove dead skin from hands, legs, fingers, and knees. It is also highly effective at clearing acne and blackheads.
Two tablespoons of gram flour and one tbsp. of milk (increase the ingredients depending on the mass of the body).
10 minutes.
Mix gram flour and milk in a bowl. Apply this mixture on the face and body. Gently scrub skin in circular motions with fingers. Leave it on your skin for 30 minutes and wash with warm water.
Twice a week.
5. Dry Brushing:
The Dry brushing is an effective way to remove dead skin cells off the body. Dry brushing is the easiest method of exfoliating the skin on the entire body. It is very good at improving the blood circulation and tightening the skin. This is also good to take dead skin off hands.
A soft_bristled body brush.
Dampen your entire body and brush the skin in gentle, circular motions. Brush a single area for not more than 30 seconds. Brush the entire body covering all the areas. Wash your body with a gentle soap to remove dead cells from the body and pat dry. Apply moisturizer on the body.
Thrice a week.
Do not over_scrub the skin as it may damage the balance of natural skin oils. Avoid dry brushing if you have skin diseases, cuts, burns, or other skin problems.
6. Coffee Scrub:
Ground coffee granules scrub is one of the best methods of removing dead skin from face at home. Coffee contains caffeine, which is very effective in improving blood circulation and preventing the accumulation of fat under the skin. Coffee scrub takes dead skin off hands very effectively. Coffee is also found to be very effective in removing cellulite from the body.
Three tablespoons of ground coffee granules and one tablespoon of coconut oil (increase the ingredients depending on the mass of the body).
10 minutes.
Mix coffee and coconut oil to make a thick grainy paste. Apply this mixture on face, neck and other necessary body parts. Gently scrub skin in circular motions for at least 4_5 minutes. Wash off with plain water.
Once a week.
Do not over scrub the skin as it may damage the balance of natural skin oils.
7. Baking Soda:
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, when mixed with water, forms a high alkaline solution. It helps in extricating the dry dead cells from the pores effectively. This is the best remedy to get rid of dead skin on face overnight. It also increases the pH balance of the skin, preventing acne, dryness, and other skin issues.
One tablespoon of baking soda. One vitamin E capsule. Water. (Increase the ingredients depending on the mass of the body).
10 minutes.
Mix the baking soda with the oil present in the vitamin E capsule. Add water to this mixture to form a smooth paste. Apply this mixture on wet face, neck and other desired body parts. You can also apply it to remove dead cells from lips. Gently scrub skin in circular motions for at least 3 minutes. Wash off with plain water.
: Once a week.
Do not over scrub the skin as it may damage the balance of natural skin oils.
8. Orange Peel and Yogurt Scrub:
Orange peel powder is an age_old home remedy to reduce dead skin on face. You can easily make orange peel powder at home by drying the orange peels in the sun and grinding them into powder. Orange peel also makes the skin look radiant and bright. It is very effective to remove dead skin from nose and neck.
One tablespoon of orange peel powder, one tablespoon of yogurt (increase the ingredients depending on the mass of the body).
10 minutes.
Mix the orange peel powder and yogurt to form a smooth paste. Apply this mixture on face, neck and other desired body parts. Leave it on for 15_20 minutes until it dries out. Gently scrub with wet fingers in circular movements for at least 3 minutes. Wash off with plain water.
Once a week.
Do not over scrub the skin as it may damage the balance of natural skin oils.
9. Almond and Honey Scrub:
Almonds are excellent to remove dead skin cells. Almonds are rich in vitamins and proteins that make the skin look healthy and young. Almonds are also very effective in taking dead skin off hands.
Ten almonds, two teaspoons of honey, milk (increase the ingredients depending on the mass of the body).
Soak almonds in milk overnight. Grind soaked almonds with the milk to form a smooth paste and add honey to this mixture. Apply this mixture on the face and other body parts and leave it for 15_20 minutes. Gently scrub with wet fingers in circular movements for at least 3 minutes. Wash off with plain water to scrape dead skin off the face.
Thrice a week.
: Do not over scrub the skin as it may damage the balance of natural skin oils.
10. Pumice Stone:
This is amazing and well known to remove dead skin from face home remedy. The humble pumice stone has been in use for ages in beauty regimens. Pumice stone is a volcanic rock, which is an excellent exfoliator to remove dead skin from knees and feet. This is an excellent choice with softer stone to clear dead skin off the face.
Pumice Stone.
Soak feet in the water until they become a little soft. Gently scrub the wet feet in circular movements with a pumice stone for at least 3 minutes. Wash feet with plain water, pat dry and moisturize.
Thrice a week.
Do not over scrub the skin as it may damage the balance of natural skin oils.
Additional Tips:
Here are additional tips from our side to get rid of dead skin cells.
- Not all methods suit all types of skin. Ensure to understand your skin type and sensitivity before choosing a method. It is always a good practice to moisturize your skin after exfoliation. Stay away from chemical exfoliators that can be too harsh on your skin, leaving your skin damaged. Never exfoliate your skin when there are cuts, burns and other issues as the skin may get ruptured due to scrubbing. Avoid frequent exfoliation and over scrubbing as it can damage the skin and make it dry. Be very gentle and cautious when you have acne. It is always safer to perform a patch test before using any method because you never know how it might react with your skin. Prefer scrubbing with your fingers than using anything else. If you have dry skin, prefer oil_based scrubs and minimize the frequency of exfoliation. If your skin type is oily, avoid oil_based scrubs as they make the skin even oilier.
Now that you have understood how essential it is to get rid of dead skin cells from the body, you must lose no time and include it in your skincare routine. Exfoliation not only makes the skin soft, smooth, and supple but also prepares your skin to absorb moisturizers and other beauty lotions and products better. It is always better to use simple but effective home remedies rather than go for expensive chemicals that may have side effects.
The post How To Get Rid Of Dead Skin Cells From Body appeared first on I Fashion Styles.