

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

The common cold is quite a known condition and sickness, among many. But remember, it is not the same case with suffering from a common cold during pregnancy. When you are carrying, all your body concerns and health issues can affect the baby equally. It can also get complicated, and dealing with any illness should be done with care. The same is the case with suffering from the common cold.

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

But worry not! With our comprehensive guide, we will tell you the condition of suffering from cold for pregnant ladies and treatment options for the same. Necessary treatment should be taken at the right time, given the complexity of the situation, and today, let us find out all about this condition here.

What is Common Cold:

From children to adults, cold is a quite common illness. The common cold is caused due to viral infection near your upper respiratory tract and nasal cavity area. It is often a harmless condition and does not hinder the day to day activities to a large extent. In most cases, people can recover from the disease within a week or ten days.

Causes of Cold During Pregnancy:

Cold is a viral infection. There are near to 200 viruses, which are the reason behind the common cold. There are also chances when bacterial infection near to throat or chest can lead to a cold. Other reasons behind cold are due to contamination from others who are already suffering from it. The same are the causes of the common cold, even during the pregnancy period.

Further, when you are expecting a baby, it is often the case that you are low in immunity and hence have more chances to catch a cold easily. Given these causes, most of us wonder if cold affects pregnancy adversely. In most situations, having a common cold should not affect the baby. However, one must notice the symptom and time of illness to continue with medication.

See More: How to Reduce Fever During Pregnancy

Symptoms of Cold During Pregnancy:

The symptoms of cold during pregnancy can quite vary from person to person. Often, the commonly known symptoms for cold are a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and/or cough. But in case you are experiencing the following symptoms as well, it is advised to take immediate help from the health care provider.

Suffering from mild to severe dizziness frequently. Chest pain, mild or severe and uneasy feeling during the day. Difficulty in breathing or symptoms of suffering from asthma. Vomiting sensations and heavy vomiting. High fever and temperature fluctuations in the body. Decreased fetal movement.

Remedies to Getting Rid of Cold During Pregnancy:

If it is the case of a common cold, then home remedies can help get rid of frequent cold during pregnancy. Here are a few Indiannaturalremedies which can help a great deal easily.

1. Inhalation:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Inhaling hot water with eucalyptus oil, which relieves the stuffy nose and relaxes the throat way. A bowl with warm water with eucalyptus or mint oil can be inhaled by leaning forward. Inhale the steam by covering the head and face in order to prevent the escape of the vapours. You can alternatively use a humidifier as well.

2. Herbal Tea with Honey:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Herbal tea with honey for the cold while pregnant helps to relieve the discomfort caused due to mucus. Honey helps to break down the mucus and maintains a smooth breathing airway. Keep sipping warm tea or water as you wish for better relaxation.

3. Resting:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Resting your body is very important since cold makes the body lethargic and fatigue. It is best to relax and not just sit with cold and worrying over it. If you aren’t able to sleep continuously, lying down for a while helps too!

4. Exercise:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Moderate walking, which leads to good movement of the body and muscles, is advised during cold. A good amount of fresh oxygen is inhaled during the walk, which clears the toxins out of the lung.

5. Eating:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Concentrating on vitamin C and proteins helps to build up immunity. Consume Vitamin C foods like Citric fruits, berries, kiwi, and vegetables like broccoli, Paprika, Cabbage, and spinach. Stuffing the cold with a nutritious diet is the best remedy for cold, especially in late pregnancy.

See More: Remedies To Treat Cough During Pregnancy

6. Zinc:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Natural food containing zinc helps to boost the immune system. Eggs, yoghurt, nuts, beans, oatmeal and meat like turkey, pork are filled with zinc and help reduce the effect of cold and flu. This is especially the best recommended food to treat cold during the second and third trimester.

7. Energy Drink:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Cold causes loss of fluids; supplementing with fluids is significant for the mother and baby. Hot soup, coconut water, Lime juice and a lot of water.

8. Salt Water Gargling:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

It helps to relieve a sore throat by reducing the swelling and inflamed throat. However, very rigorous saltwater gargling should be avoided, which may lead to dry mouth.

9. Eating Garlic:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Garlic is an antiviral agent which helps to fight against viral infection. Eating two to three fresh sautéed garlic with water helps! People who do not like the flavour of garlic can prefer to consume garlic capsule which is available in the market.

See More: Garlic During Pregnancy

10. Natural Lozenges:

How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy?

Crushed cinnamon, honey and berries mix with ground ginger can be taken along with lime juice. These can be used as natural pills, which relieve a sore throat and clears any case of mucus too.

Treatment for Cold During Pregnancy:

Cure for the common cold is generally done through over the counter medications. However, in the case of pregnancy, medical providers generally consider the condition of both mother and baby. The medications can also affect the unborn baby and hence should only be taken under the prescription of a health care provider. Here are the most common ways and medicines to treat cold while pregnant and seek relief.

    In most cases, menthol rub, nasal strips or cough syrup is prescribed by doctors. Depending on the condition, doctors may even prescribe Antihistamines, which are classified as safe to use during pregnancy. Oral decongestants can be suggested by the health care provider depending on the condition. Do not use pain relievers by yourself. These are to be taken under direct guidance from a health care provider, only in cases of complex situations. Avoid antibiotics, codeine, ibuprofen and naproxen usage unless suggested by medical practitioners.

Prevention from Multiple Cold During Pregnancy:

A healthy lifestyle is a simple answer when we seek for prevention tips from common cold during the carrying period. Here are some tips from doctors to avoid catching cold and chest congestion when pregnant.

Wash your hands regularly. If you are surrounded by someone suffering from the flu, you should take extra care. Sleep as much as possible. Rest can be the best possible way to reduce catching infections. A healthy diet can help increase immunity power from catching a cold. This helps minimize the risk of catching infections. Exercise on a regular basis. Being active can help oneself to stay fit in overall.

Given these tips, always remember that it is crucial to avoid and prevent cold during early pregnancy and first trimester phases especially, for better health of both mother and unborn baby.

How to Differentiate From Cold and Flu?

If you are infected from cold, the common symptoms include running nose and sneezing. You do not witness a rise in body temperature. But in the case of flu, one can even witness a significant increase in body temperature and symptoms of fever. Further, the other symptoms for flu include muscle weakness, headache, body pains and chills. Immediately attend to a health care provider in case of suffering from flu during pregnancy.

Cold, Cough and Fever During Pregnancy:

Fever doesn’t need to accompany the illness when one is suffering from a common cold. However, if there is a continued increase in body temperature along with cold, then one must consult the doctor immediately. There are also chances of birth defects among the newborn in certain cases if cold, cough and fever accompany for prolonged periods. However, the case of mild temperature and typical cold can be treated effectively under medical supervision. It is advised to be vigilant and cautious in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to avoid the chances of catching fever and cold.

While cold is quite a common situation among many, it may not always be the case during pregnancy. Hope this article on cold during pregnancy gave a nuanced picture on how to overcome the illness effectively. Never undertake your medications, and it is best advised always to consult your doctor in any case of illness.

Never undertake any treatment for illness yourself during pregnancy. And Never skip consulting your health care provider before taking medicines. Depending on the case and severity, personal check_up and treatment will be suggested by health care providers for the best cure.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. When to consult a doctor for a cold during pregnancy?

Ans: In case the cold is temporary and gone in a few days, you may not need a doctor’s help and treatment. But if fever is accompanied by cold, and if you experience body pain and chills, it is advised to consult the doctor immediately.

Q2. Will cold during pregnancy affect the unborn baby?

Ans: Cold is typically not dangerous to your baby. The immune system might get week during pregnancy, and there are chances that one may catch a cold easily. However, if you have associated symptoms along with cold, then precautions and treatment must be taken to take care of the unborn baby as well.

Q3. Can cold cause miscarriage during pregnancy?

Ans: Cold and flu can make anyone uncomfortable. Especially during pregnancy, it may be the case that one often catches a cold due to a lower immune system. But most likely, cold will not cause miscarriage.

The post How to Treat Common Cold During Pregnancy? appeared first on I Fashion Styles.

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