

9 Effective Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Fall & Hair Growth

Hair is a very prominent feature of our body with its own individual character. There is no doubt that both men and women alike desire gorgeous and healthy hair. Unfortunately, pollution, stress, and harmful lifestyle are damaging our hair in various ways. It is no wonder that the hair_care industry is a multi_billion dollar business today; at the same time, these chemical_laden products are leading to damaging effects on the hair and body. In this scenario, Ayurvedic treatments for hair growth and hair loss are finding popularity for its high effectiveness and safe results.

9 Effective Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Fall & Hair Growth

Ayurveda is a 5000_year_old medical science of ancient India that uses plant_based components to treat various illnesses. The system of Ayurveda treats the root cause of illness than handling the superficial symptoms, which makes it the most effective medical treatment in the world. According to the Ayurvedic hair care system, hair problems are the result of imbalances caused in the body due to various factors like unsuitable diet, stress, harmful environment, etc. So when the constitutional imbalances are fixed, hair problems are automatically cured.

Let us look at the dosha or energy make_up of the body, causes of hair problems, and some essential Ayurvedic remedies for hair loss.

Doshas in Ayurveda:

According to Ayurvedic science, the body is governed by three doshas, namely Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Any imbalance in these doshas, creates disease or disorder in the body, including hair loss. There are lots of reasons for hair loss in a person, to understand what is causing it, we must understand the body and its imbalance. As body type and imbalance change from person to person, so does the cause of hair fall and its ayurvedic treatment method. Let us look at the three doshas in detail, with regards to hair loss:

1. Vata Dosha:

Vata dosha represents air and space elements in the body. It is responsible for movement and vitality within the body. When Vata dosha is in balance, the hair grows fast, looks thin, and is straight or curly. When it is imbalanced, it becomes dry, frizzy, and unruly with split ends, and the hair may get thin, break or fall. Vata imbalance is linked to nutritional deficiencies and underproduction of natural oils, which make the scalp and hair dry and undernourished.

2. Pitta Dosha:

Pitta Dosha represents the fire element in the body and is responsible for all the metabolic activities in the body. When Pitta dosha is in balance, the hair is soft, medium in thickness, and straight. When it is imbalanced, it leads to hair fall, balding, premature greying, scalp issues like irritation, and inflammation. Pitta imbalance is liked to inflammation in the body. This inflammation can damage the hair follicles and roots, and also affect the production of hair proteins and melanin.

Herbal Products For Hair Growth

3. Kapha Dosha:

Kapha dosha represents the water and earth elements in the body and is responsible for stability and strength within the body. When Kapha dosha is in balance, the hair grows fast, thick, lustrous, and shiny. When it is imbalanced, the hair becomes greasy and lifeless. Kapha imbalance is linked to excess production of natural oils, sweat, and the accumulation of toxins in the body, making the scalp greasy and toxic for proper hair growth.

So, as per the Ayurvedic concept, excess imbalance of pitta dosha is the cause of hair thinning, hair fall, and balding. Pitta imbalance creates excess heat in the body, causing acidity, rashes, anger, stress, anxiety, etc. Excessive intake of oily and spicy food, hot climatic conditions, consuming meat, alcohol, and smoking are known to aggravate pitta. Vata dosha also causes hair fall and hair breakage due to poor nutritional reach to the hair follicles and hair.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Growth:

Various factors like hormonal imbalance, illness in the body, high fever, certain medications, emotional, and mental stress, etc. trigger imbalances in pitta and Vata doshas. Ayurvedic treatment heals and rejuvenates the bodily tissues and systems that affect hair growth and hair health. Let us look at the various remedies of hair loss treatment for Ayurveda.

1. Ashwagandha:

Ashwagandha is one of the most beneficial Ayurvedic herbs for hair loss. It has high antioxidant properties that flush out toxins in the scalp cells and boost blood circulation, thus stimulating the hair follicles for hair growth. It also keeps the scalp healthy and controls scalp issues like dandruff. The properties of Ashwagandha are very effective in controlling the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for hair loss and sluggish hair growth when secreted in excess. It also treats premature greying by stimulating melanin production. Ashwagandha is often consumed internally to calm aggravated pitta and balance the pitta dosha.

Three tablespoons of dried Ashwagandha Powder. Three tablespoons of dried Amla powder. Six tablespoons of water.


Mix all the stated ingredients thoroughly to form a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the scalp by gently massaging the scalp, also cover the hair from root to tip. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash with warm water and a mild herbal shampoo.

Thrice a week.

2. Bhringraj:

Bhringraj, as the name denotes, is deemed as the ‘King of Herbs’ in Ayurveda. It calms down the nervous system and gives excellent benefits to the body and hair. This herb is used extensively in Ayurvedic preparations to cure hair loss and reverses balding. Bhringraj oil is an effective ayurvedic hair oil that is widely used in scalp massages for hair regrowth and improved sleep. It is found to cure insomnia by soothing the nerves and mind.

Six tablespoons of Bhringraj powder or a handful of fresh Bhringraj leaves. Water as required.

20 minutes.

Blend the Bhringraj leaves with sufficient water to form a smooth paste. If you cannot find Bhringraj leaves, you can use dried Bhringraj powder and mix it with sufficient water to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste on the scalp by gently massaging the scalp, and also cover the hair from root to tip. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a mild herbal shampoo.

Thrice a week

3. Shikakai:

Shikakai, meaning ‘fruit for hair, is extensively used as a hair wash in Ayurveda for its effective cleansing properties. It is high in antioxidants that help improve scalp health and increase blood circulation in the scalp. This helps in stimulating hair follicles and aid in hair growth. It helps balance the natural oils in the scalp and treat scalp conditions like dandruff, itchy scalp, etc. Shikakai ayurvedic powder is a very good conditioner, and it makes the hair smooth and soft.


Six tablespoons of dried Shikakai powder. Water, as required.

20 minutes.

Mix Shikakai with water to form a smooth paste. Rinse your hair and use the above mixture as shampoo. Gently massage your scalp until it forms a light lather. Wash off with water. Repeat if necessary.

Thrice a week.

4. Neem Ayurvedic Remedy for Hair Growth:

Neem is a very important ingredient in Ayurveda as it has excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties. For healthy and fast hair growth, the hair follicles and roots must be healthy and clean. Unhealthy scalp conditions like dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, oily scalp, dry, and itchy scalp, etc. affect the hair follicles and roots, resulting in hair fall and poor hair growth. Neem helps in treating scalp conditions and making the scalp healthy and clean. It helps improve the blood circulation in the scalp and strengthens the hair follicles and roots, thus promoting hair growth.

Six tablespoons of dried neem powder. Water, as required.

20 minutes.

Mix the neem powder in water to make a smooth paste. Apply the neem paste on the scalp and hair thoroughly. Gently massage the scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a mild herbal shampoo.

Thrice a week.

5. Reetha Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss:

Reetha is another popular ingredient of Ayurveda used as a hair wash for centuries. This cleanses the scalp and hair of grease, dirt, and other pollutants, effectively making them clean and healthy. It makes the scalp healthy and boosts blood circulation, thus promoting hair growth. It also makes the hair smooth, silky, and shiny. This is also very gentle, so it can be used as a regular hair wash without worrying about depleting the natural oils on the scalp.

A quarter cup of reetha or soap nuts. Two cups of water.

40 minutes.

Crush the soap nuts and soak them in warm water. Leave it overnight. In the morning, boil the mixture for 10_15 minutes. Let is cool. Strain it and collect the water. Use this water to wash your hair by pouring the water on the scalp and gently rubbing the scalp. Massage the scalp until it forms a slight lather. Wash off with fresh water. Repeat if required.

Thrice a week or alternate days as a regular hair wash.

6. Amla:

Amla is rich in vitamin C, iron, fatty acids, carotene, gallic acid, and antioxidants. It is a widely used hair care ingredient in Ayurveda for treating hair loss and premature greying. The fatty acids nourish and strengthen the hair follicles and hair, which combats hair fall. The iron, carotene, antioxidants, and gallic acid help in deep cleansing the scalp and roots of the hair, and stimulating blood circulation on the scalp. This helps in promoting hair growth effectively. Amla also helps in treating scalp conditions like dandruff, itchy, and scaly scalp, etc.

Six tablespoons of Amla powder. Water, as required.

30 minutes.

Mix Amla powder and water to form a smooth paste. Apply this paste to your scalp and hair thoroughly. Gently massage the scalp making sure the mixture is well absorbed. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a mild herbal shampoo.

Thrice a week.

7. Brahmi:

Brahmi is another important remedy in Ayurveda. This helps in calming and soothing the nerves. The cools down the mind and helps rejuvenate the scalp and hair. It soothes aggravated pitta and prevents white hair and hair fall effectively. And boosts the scalp’s blood circulation and hair follicles, aiding in hair growth. It also makes the hair glossy.

2 tablespoons of dried Brahmi powder. Two tablespoons of dried Amla powder. Two tablespoons of dried Ashwagandha powder. Half cup yoghurt.

30 minutes.

Mix all the stated ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste to your scalp thoroughly, and cover the hair from root to tip. Gently massage the scalp. Leave it on for one hour. Wash off with a mild herbal shampoo.

Thrice a week.

8. Methi:

Methi or fenugreek seeds is another effective remedy for hair problems. The Methi helps in improving scalp health and treat scalp conditions like dandruff, bacterial infections, etc. It boosts hair growth by increasing blood circulation in the scalp. It is a very effective remedy for repairing damaged hair follicles and aiding in hair regrowth. Methi also adds lustre and shine to the hair.

Four tablespoons of methi. Water, as required.

30 minutes.

Soak methi seeds in sufficient water overnight. Blend the soaked methi seeds to form a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the scalp thoroughly, also cover the hair from root to tip. Gently massage the scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a mild herbal shampoo.

Twice a week.

9. Coconut:

Coconut oil and coconut milk therapy are one of the best ayurvedic treatments for hair loss and growth. The essential fats, fatty acids and proteins present in coconut help in nourishing the hair cells and hair follicles, thus preventing hair loss. Coconut is high in anti_bacterial and anti_fungal properties that help improve blood circulation in the scalp by eliminating free radicals and stimulating hair regrowth. Regular massage of the scalp with coconut oil gives very effective results in preventing hair fall and promoting hair growth.

Fresh coconut milk, as required. One tablespoon of methi powder. Half a teaspoon of black pepper powder.

30 minutes

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Apply this mixture to the scalp thoroughly, also cover the hair from root to tip. Gently massage the scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with mild herbal shampoo.

: Thrice a week.

Prescribed Ayurvedic Lifestyle Routines

Though the topical application of ayurvedic remedies is very effective in treating hair problems, Ayurveda strongly recommends systemic lifestyle practices to improve the health of the body and hair. Let us look at some healthy Ayurvedic lifestyle routines for treating hair issues:

    Diet plays a vital role in combating hair problems. Ayurveda strongly recommends the inclusion of fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and cooling foods in the daily diet. Stress is one of the number one causes of hair fall. Sufficient sleep and meditation help calm the mind and nerves and greatly help in controlling hair fall and other hair issues. Scalp massages with Brahmi, bhringraj, coconut, or amla oil must be done on a regular basis Avoid alcohol, smoking, fermented, and sour foods, fried and excessively salty foods as they increase pitta dosha Always consume fresh and warm food. Avoid processed food as it aggravates pitta Indulge in light exercise or yoga during mornings or evenings when the atmosphere is cool, avoid exercise during the day when the atmosphere is warm or hot. Consume alkaline or sweet fruits and vegetables like watermelon, muskmelon, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, leafy greens, apples, pears, etc. Never wash your hair with hot water, always use lukewarm or cold water.

Ancient medical techniques are very effective in treating any disease without side effects. Ayurvedic remedies for hair loss not only target hair health but also help to rejuvenate the tissues and cells in the body. There are a number of factors causing hair problems. A proper lifestyle for a healthy mind and body helps cure many diseases, including hair issues. Hormonal imbalance and illness can affect hair health severely. It is very important to address disorders and illness with the right medical treatment with thorough research.

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