Hey Angels and Alphas,
If you’re an experienced lifter, you’ve probably noticed that different training methods and workouts can have radically different effects on your body. Some of these differences can be directly attributed to changes in muscle size, while others are the result of changes in strength and muscle activation patterns.
This guide will take you through the differences between training to increase your muscle mass (or hypertrophy) and training to increase your strength in an effort to determine which one is right for you! Read on to find out!
What is Hypertrophy Training?
Hypertrophy is the process by which muscle cells grow in size. Muscle cells need a lot of energy, nutrients, and oxygen to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the main source of energy used by muscles during exercise and everyday activities.
When the muscles are asked to do more work than they are accustomed to, they call on other cell systems in the body (such as the liver) that contain these necessary nutrients. They also cause genes that produce enzymes like myokinase, an enzyme that aids in protein synthesis within muscle cells and is responsible for increasing muscle size and mass, to be turned on.
What is Strength Training?
Strength training is any type of weightlifting or resistance exercise that stresses the muscles and causes them to grow bigger and stronger. There are many forms of resistance exercise, but the most common types are bodyweight exercises, dumbbell exercises, barbell exercises and machine-based exercises. Strength training can be done anywhere with just a few items: an exercise mat, some weights, some space and a little time (no more than 30 minutes three times a week).
How Does It Differ?
When you train for hypertrophy, you are trying to increase the size of your muscle fibers and the number of them that exist in each muscle. When you train to build strength, you are trying to make the muscles themselves stronger so that they can exert more force when needed.
There is no direct correlation between building size and building strength; increasing one does not necessarily mean a decrease in another.
The difference between hypertrophy and strength training also varies in what type of exercises are used as well as how often those exercises should be performed during a workout session or over an entire week’s worth of workouts.
Why Should I Train For One Vs. The Other?
There are many reasons why you may want to train for hypertrophy and some reasons why you may want to train for strength, so let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each:
-There is less stress on your joints when you’re performing sets with lighter weights which means that your risk of injury decreases.
-Building muscle can improve your metabolism by increasing the amount of calories that you burn throughout the day without any extra physical activity on your part.
-You’ll have more energy because muscle burns more calories than fat does, which means that it will keep you feeling energized even if you’re not working out or doing any other physical activity in particular.
When Should I Train For One Vs. The Other?
There is no one correct answer as to when you should train for either; it largely depends on your goals and what your body needs at any given time. For instance, if you want to improve muscle mass and size, then a hypertrophy program would be more beneficial than a strength program.
If you are looking to improve muscle power and explosiveness, then a strength-based program would be better suited than a hypertrophy-based one. If you’re just starting out with weightlifting, it’s best to start with a mixed routine that includes both types of exercises in order to avoid overtraining or injury while still seeing results!
The post The Benefits of Hypertrophy Training vs Strength Training appeared first on KAYSWELL.