Hey Angels and Alphas,
If you’re serious about your workouts, then there’s one thing you need to know: Plyometrics can make or break your results. Here’s everything you need to know about this super-beneficial workout technique, including why it’s so effective and what the best plyometric exercises are.
What are Plyometrics?
Plyometric exercises are any exercise that utilizes the stretch-shortening cycle. This means the muscle is rapidly stretched and then contracted. The momentum of the contraction causes the muscle to stretch even more, providing a greater stimulus for growth and development. This type of exercise also helps to improve agility, speed, quickness, and jumping ability.
The Benefits of Plyometrics
Plyometric exercises are known to improve muscle strength, power and speed. They also help increase the range of motion in the joints. These exercises can be done by anyone, without any type of equipment or weights. The most important thing to remember when it comes to plyometric exercises is that they should only be performed after a warm up and with a spotter present for safety purposes.
By implementing these exercises into your training regime, you will notice an improvement in your overall athletic performance. If you have any specific questions about this topic, we recommend consulting with your doctor or physical therapist before starting any new workout routine.
How to Incorporate Plyometrics Into Your Workout Routine
Plyometric exercises are a great way to add variation to your workout routine, as well as increase the effectiveness of your workouts. And the best part is that plyometric exercises can be done by anyone at any time and in any place. Follow these tips for incorporating plyometrics into your workout routine:
*Always warm-up with at least five minutes of light cardio
*Perform ten to twenty jumping jacks before doing a plyometric exercise *Work up to harder exercises by starting with easier ones and gradually progressing until you feel confident enough to do more advanced moves
*Try out different types of plyometric exercises (e.g., squat jumps, side-to-side hops) so you can figure out which work best for you
The Different Types of Plyometric Exercises
Plyometric exercises are a type of exercise that use your own body weight to train your muscles. They can be done anywhere and help increase power, speed, agility, flexibility, and strength. The three main types of plyometric exercises are jumping drills, skipping drills, and bounding drills.
Jumping Drills: These involve hopping up to the ground from a small height with maximum force.
Skipping Drills: These require you to skip as high as possible with both feet off the ground at the same time.
Bounding Drills: This involves sprinting in place by bringing your feet off the ground as much as possible without lifting them too high.
The Bottom Line
Plyometrics are an exercise routine designed to increase explosive power and speed by training muscles in a rapid, powerful fashion. They use the stretch-shortening cycle, which is the process of a muscle rapidly stretching and shortening. When you do plyometric exercises, your muscles contract very quickly while they’re still lengthened from the previous exercise. This creates a powerful release of energy that translates into improved strength and performance. In fact, research has shown that plyometrics can help improve jumping height by up to 25%.
The post Why You Should Never Ignore Plyometrics appeared first on KAYSWELL.